EVERYTHING In The Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! (update out now)

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Minecraft 1.21 is here!! The Tricky Trials Update brings new copper blocks, more tuff blocks, the crafter, the breeze, the bogged, new sherds, 20 paintings, wind charges, and a LOT MORE to Minecraft! Most of the update can be found in a cool new structure called the trial chambers which is a new challenge! Today we take a look at everything in Minecraft 1.21 for Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock Edition!

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Minecraft 1.21 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPreZAKi368mI8SE5w8–bSJ5

if you read this comment “tricky”


42 thoughts on “EVERYTHING In The Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! (update out now)”

  1. Fun fact if your on bedrock playstation you can log in as player two as a guest and open the vault log out and log in as a guest again and the game will think you are a new player and let you open the vault again 🙂

  2. I was humbled in the trial chambers yesterday. I went in thinking I was ready. I drank an ominous potion and the first thing I ran into was a baby zombie spawner. I ran through some type of maze to get away and ended up running into TWO baby zombie spawners. The game was over for me at that point. It was like 6 baby zombies in full armor wielding swords. Every time one would hit my shield down, the others would get their hit in omg.

  3. Hey wattles, don’t know if you know this cause in the video you kept saying the stone cutter gets you better value. But you get the same value from the crafting table… even tho you’re using more blocks in the crafting recipe, you get the same amount of blocks back that were used for it. Ex. 3 blocks in a row to make 6 slabs, in the stone cutter it’s 1 block for 2 slabs, times that by 3 and you get 6…

  4. Soooo, little tip for yall. When in the trials, if you do end up dying, you better hope that no mob picked up your loot. If one does, say goodbye to your armor and weapon! They dont drop any weapon or armor, including ones they might have picked up from a dead player's loot. I lost a full netherite set to a bogged who took it down with him T~T

  5. Councilor Calls on Investigations into the Source of Organs

    Kaohsiung City Councilor Zhang Boyang

    Kaohsiung City Councilor Zhang Boyang from the Taiwan Statebuilding Party said that legislation opposing organ harvesting is a global movement that spans political parties, nationalities and regions. He explained that it is an honor that the Kaohsiung City Council has caught the train to condemn organ harvesting, and uphold universal human rights. He calls on all counties and cities in Taiwan to join in this movement by passing legislation to punish those who participate in organ harvesting.

    He also said that people should be made aware of the risks of going to China for organ transplants. Some patients ignore the source of organs in order to quickly get an organ, thereby becoming accomplices to murder.

    Councilors Supports Legislation to Stop Live O

  6. I am trying to contact you and I cant seem to reach you! I just have a question about the most recent crepper farm you made! I built it and no creppers spawn! I have no clue why!! Please help


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