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Minecraft 1.19 is OUT NOW! ✨ The Wild Update introduces the Deep Dark biome, Ancient Cities, The Warden, & more to Minecraft’s caves! Up on the surface we’re looking at a brand new swamp biome, mangrove trees and wood, and mud as well! In this video we take a look at everything new or changed in Minecraft 1.19 on Java and Bedrock edition!
-=| Minecraft 1.19 Features |=-
0:00 intro and overview
0:59 the allay
1:31 chestboat
1:55 mangrove trees + mangrove wood
3:13 mud
4:10 mangrove swamp biome
4:37 frogs, tadpoles, froglight
6:22 mud bricks and packed mud
6:58 new commands
7:54 deep dark biome
9:14 sculk blocks
11:14 ancient cities
12:54 the warden
13:43 ancient city loot
15:11 reinforced deepslate
15:25 goat horns
16:09 darkness effect
16:32 more 1.19 changes
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if you read this comment “watl watl”
THE UPDATE IS OUT NOW!! whats the first thing youre checking out in the update?!
He was talking about the shreakers and says shulkers He didn't notice 🤣
I thought the deep dark was added in 1.18 already?
Does the portal work
My Minecraft is not showing the 1.19 home screen but the 1.18 screen (i am a tlauncher player)
What a disappointment… should have just waited and released the caves and cliffs with everything… it would have made things way more fun and interesting
Reply to this comment if you too hate the warden
STILL waiting for Azalea wood.
what about mobile
1.19 ruined my flat world I spent almost 2 years on I'm thinking about quitting minecraft forever if they don't undo this mistake
Just The Thought That The Most Waited. Hyped, Wanted, And Most Legendary Era Of Minecraft Is Already Over.. Time Really Flies
Goodbye Caves And Cliffs Era June 2021-June 2022 It Was Amazing
i still dont understand how to get froglight in survival ???
My favourite part has to be the Warden. I`m even making a clay statue of him for fun.
even though its not that much the things we do have are pretty good actually
Chest boat is number one! New wood! Mud blocks!
I shall remind you. Archeology
Should’ve added quicksand to the swamp that acts like powdered snow.
My holy 3nity in 1.19?
I'd say Mangrove Wood, Mud Block and of course Mr. Warden himself!!
That horn call is the “THX” movie intro lol
Imagine leaving your PS4 on so Minecraft update it self and then arrive to see that you have to do it manually..😑. Can someone explain how can I put my PS4 to update things automatically 😅.
I hope you can put a frog on a leash and use it as a guard in the nether against the magma cubes
watl watl watl
Waiting for your 1.19 playthrough…
You can either update the current survival world or make a new one.
Comment if you’re upset about the fireflies not being added.
Watls pumpkin overlay?
LETS GO 1.19
In bed rock there's copper horns
Anyone noticed that the “call” goat horn sounds like the THX intro?
Who do you think would win the warden or thanos without the infinity stones. Lol
I like how the frog can eat a lava cube but it can't eat a firefly because it's "poisonous"