Even MORE Amazing Old Minecraft Mods You Forgot About

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Back with the third and final installment of old, nostalgic minecraft mods from minecraft beta through the golden ages! Discontinued mods, underrated mods, and ones that give you all the nostalgic goodness.

Orespawn – Download Lost
MCHeli – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mcheli-minecraft-helicopter-mod
Witchery – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/witchery
Electroblob’s Wizardry – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/electroblobs-wizardry
Tropicraft – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tropicraft
Invasion Mod – https://coros.us/mods/hostileworlds?dl
Transformers – https://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/transformers-mod/
Tale of Kingdoms (b1.8.1) – https://www.dropbox.com/s/dessew16zf2bxen/taleofkingdoms1.1.2.zip?dl=1 (requires modloader for b1.8.1 – https://mcarchive.net/mods/modloader?gvsn=)
Clay Soldiers – https://mcarchive.net/mods/claysoldiers?gvsn= (requires modloader for b1.7.3)
Millenaire – https://millenaire.org/

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0:00 Introduction
0:23 Orespawn
2:05 MC Heli
3:37 Witchery
4:58 Electroblob’s Wizardry
6:43 Tropicraft
8:09 Invasion Mod
9:34 Transformers
10:53 Tale of Kingdoms
12:28 Clay Soldiers
13:51 Millenaire
15:03 Conclusion and Reflection


36 thoughts on “Even MORE Amazing Old Minecraft Mods You Forgot About”

  1. Ohhhhhh! I remember clay soldiers from DanTDM's mod review! Same for Tale of Kingdoms. I love MCHeli, Fiskfille's Transformers (which might get a remake at some point,) and Electroblobs! Played those even up to a year ago!

  2. Clonecraft, or the My Peoples mod which has been last updated since 1.7.10, while not being the most popular mod-
    It is rather unique as you can use syringes through a process to clone mobs in the game as a sort of offset to creative mode's spawn eggs.
    You can also clone yourself in which you can set the clone to target certain mobs, harvest or do all sorts of tasks for you.
    Too bad it seems like no one has ever made a more modern remake since then because it is one of my favorite concepts for a mod I watched DanTDM play with back then.

    Also, I been looking for Tale of Kingdoms for so long man, you do not know how much I longed for to play that mod since Paul played it and I got Minecraft years later before getting MC in 1.6.4 and even years later after that. It is certainly a big mod for its time to have been discontinued like that.

  3. Remember the John mod? It was the original horror mod that got famous. I mean, it wasn't really horror. No less than most of the modern Minecraft horror mods lol. But it was still such a nostalgic mod for me. And it became one of my favorites next to the twilight forest mod.

  4. To this day i havent been able to play Tale of kingdoms and the RPG mod (both always bugged out for me).
    Milllenaire is not only iconic but its one of my favorite mods. I remember the devs having problems trying to port the mod to modern versions.

  5. It was so good to see video showcases about Tropicraft, Clay Soldiers and Millenaire mods. I didn't know that Electrobob's Wizardry mod was released on Minecraft 1.7.10 Forge first time.

    I remember two mods I tried out in Minecraft beta 1.7.3 version very long time ago. The first one is Equivalent Exchange, which adds not just material transmutations with Philosopher's Stone, also adds EMC generators, powerful tools and two new material tiers like Dark Matter and Red Matter. This mod is still alive in form of ProjectE mod, which available on 1.12.2, 1.16.5, 1.18.2, 1.19.2 and 1.20.1 Minecraft versions.
    The other tech mod is IndustrialCraft, which was introduced for Minecraft beta 1.7.3 version. That mod had machine blocks, eletric tools and multiple ways to gather energy.
    Although that mod has a different successor for Minecraft 1.12.2 version (which had different crafting recpies and mechanics), there is also a mod with a name "IC2 Classic", which has the good old mechanics. Besides 1.12.2 version, that mod is usable for 1.19.2 version too.

  6. I remember AdventureCraft it was a complete own Launcher, where you can download Maps like Zelda Adventure, which was a complete own Game.This map i think has over 3 Hours off Gameplay. You should really check that out😆

  7. For those that wondering about any spiritual successor mods to Orespawn, there is a mod called Chaos Awakens. It was started (from what I remember) by a group from the Orespawn discord that were dissatisfied with Danger’s decision regarding the mod. They split off and started Chaos Awakens and got permission from Danger to make the mod so long as they don’t use any of the models, textures, and sounds he and the Orespawn team made(used in the sounds case) everything has to made from scratch.

    There is another spiritual successor mod, but due too drama regarding the person in charge i.e trying to slander the Chaos Awakens team for taking their idea, and also trying to get me to do a showcase about that mod multiple times that I am not interested in it those are some of the reasons why I don’t support that mod. I’m not trying to start any drama so I won’t name the mod, I am just stating what I have seen and experienced why I don’t and never will support the other Orespawn spiritual successor mod.

  8. Funnily enough I remember a different invasion mod infinitely more. You set up a block to defend and waves of monsters would try to break it by slowly progressing and getting stronger and smarter, destroying and creating ways into the structure housing it. You try and see how long you can last before the block is destroyed. I loved combining it with other mods to see how good of a defense I can manage.


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