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Download the Mod Pack from Curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fxnt-create-2
I’ve started a brand new Minecraft Let’s Play focused on the Create Mod with a whole bunch of other mods too. Like Applied Energistics 2, Replay Mod and even some of my own mods!
Download Create: Storage Mod
Download FXNT BitsNBobs Mod:
In this episodes I go mining for resources, find some diamonds, use a Mechanical Saw to deforest an area and build an Epic Starter House.
Join me as I explore Create and build an industrial world inside of Minecraft.
🔗 Links
● Website: http://foxynotail.com/
● Twitch: https://twitch.tv/foxynotail
● Discord: https://discord.com/invite/BqGKecr
● Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/foxynotail
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoxyNoTail
● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foxy_notail/
#minecraft #createmod #create #letsplay #survival
What was that villager doing in the building timelapse
A mod that would be good to add to the mod pack would be litematica it's a great schematic mod and it's very useful.
Where’s dog 2 and who was there helping you build the house
botany pots mod is great and all but you need another mod to actually grow trees in them, I don't know if it was intenional not added or just forgoten
bro in season 3 and 4 Alright guys were running this on Quilt and NeoForge
in the house montage, what was that player type thing was it a zombie?
excellent, foxy. Can't wait for the new season.
This house is really cool. I going to build my house in this style.
Hmm, Mr. Onion needs a fishing shack. He can sell you foods.
I know both Dungeons & Taverns and Towns & Towers have Fabric versions so I'm guessing it was a choice thing?
can you plzz add mr. crayfish gun mod in your modapck?
Go back to the first world
Loving the create video's Mr notails. Keep em coming!
For everyone that want to copy the seed 7308255826209972843
I really think MineColonies mod is fitting for this modpack. Really love your series keep up the good work <3.
the landlord trying to collect taxes of a house that wasn't even built yet. Truly despicable
Oak is Ok to build with
im pretty sure this seed is correct: 7308255826209972843 , but i can't seem to find the island he's on
Edit: here are the coords 2405 72 38
Very nice that you use fabric for this series 😀
I would suggest a mod like the Craft Slime Fabric mod. Then Slime for the super glue won't be so annoying to get. I would also recommend the Atlas mod as it provides a really cool way for a minimap. Maybe have a look at them? They are both on Modrinth as far as I know
Thanks for the fxnt create2. Works great so far after 3 hours. And smooth loading too😊
how about building a floating base? and underwater city?
seed number…: 7308255826209972843
i think i got it right… weird i was in the middle of the land instead of the island.
I have a question❓
hey just to let you know foxy you know how you had to code your own sophisticated backpack/storage mod you do realize there's un-official ports of those mods right?
both respectively called
Sophisticated Storage (Unofficial Fabric port)
Sophisticated Backpacks (Unofficial Fabric port)
I swear my humor is busted. The fart sound effect gets me every time.
Wrong. William Wethers Overhaul. is a Datapack. USe it with terrablender to make it compatipale. I just tried it
PLEASE ALL STELLARITY! ITs a mod and datapack that i worked on
Foxy, I did not see drawers, did I miss them?
You should consider building an underwater base this season with conduits and such would be an interesting challenge with create
Ahh I missed this so quickly! A lovely start to a new adventure <3
I think something is of about the seed? i get a plains next to a cherry forest when i put it in. i think maybe some of the world settings are off?
I done a comment which said you can make charcoal but then I realised you already made some so I would like to say you are a pro on the create mod and your truly bedrock so good job. I watch all your videos with my Dad. Love Dexter, age nearly 9
Plz give offhand mode fro mcpe 1.20.81
that lava furnace looking rather flammable.
Which create addons are the ones in this modpack?
Is fabric better performance for create?
Anyone can upload this MOD to TLauncher quickly.Anyone can upload this MOD to TLauncher quickly.