EP 13. Information (Minecraft Animation)

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

OkCorz EP 13: The 3 Pillagers approach a Wandering Trader for information on Andy.

Voices (Pillagers):
➑️ Kevin Rivera: @kevinandrewrivera2795

The Team (Please check them out!):
➑️ Ryan: https://theblueneon.carrd.co/
➑️ Maddie: @mads_chin
➑️ Hayden: @hydaen2602
➑️ Hann: @hanns.art.blog on Insta


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Other Socials:
➑️Twitter: @OkCorz
➑️ Tiktok: @OkCorz
➑️ Instagram: @Ok.Corz

#minecraft #okcorz #corzminecraft #enderman #animation #minecraftanimation #minecraftshorts #AndyOkCorz #EndermanOkCorz


24 thoughts on “EP 13. Information (Minecraft Animation)”

  1. EP 13 Minecraft Fact: Powder snow is a block that can be found in snowy slopes. Most mobs and players fall through powder snow and take freezing damage.

    EP 13 OkCorz Lore: Not many know of this, but in this world Wandering Traders are willing to trade information in exchange for "certain items". How they acquire the information is unknown.

  2. Love the vid so far, also I can’t tell if Londynn is just really nice and mistaken as mean to the priestesses, or if she is just a evil dirty liar trying to trick people like Rex

    Also I haven’t watched the whole vid, so maybe my question will be answered

  3. this is the best minecraft animation I just wish it would come quicker now I’m not saying it must like it takes so long they have it pixel every second just the further would fix that it make it come in 2 secondsπŸ˜‚


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