Easy Minecraft Custom Server Setup 2021

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

Customize your gaming experience by hosting Minecraft on Linode. You decide the rules when hosting your own Minecraft server. Enjoy playing with your friends in this highly addictive game.

0:00 – Intro
0:46 – Getting Started
1:11 – Configuring Your World
6:00 – Configuring Your Server
8:48 – Connecting To The Server
10:38 – Outro

New to Linode? Get started here with a $100 credit → https://www.linode.com/linodetube
Read the doc for more information on deploying a Minecraft server → https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/deploying-minecraft-with-marketplace-apps/
Learn more about the Minecraft One-Click app → https://www.linode.com/marketplace/apps/linode/minecraft-game-server/
Subscribe to get notified of new episodes as they come out → https://www.youtube.com/linode?sub_confirmation=1

#Minecraft #Linode #Linux #OneClickApps
Product: Linode, Minecraft, One-Click; Gardiner Bryant;


40 thoughts on “Easy Minecraft Custom Server Setup 2021”

  1. If I want to change settings, are these dynamic or do I have to destroy and recreate? If I do, does linode charge a prorrated amount? I know the second question is more of a linode question but I thought to ask in case you know the answer. This is for my son, I want to set this up. Thanks!

  2. on my server (which atm is using cubedhost, but planning on switching to linode once this month's payment expires) i have flight enabled because it sometimes kicks me while on elytra if i have it disabled.

  3. Excellent guide, too bad that Linode despite having chosen the minecraft server option, did not create the minecraft files. And so I had to manually FTP them, but otherwise it works. Then also to create the custom domain, it gives me options other than those of the video, and I can't create one.

  4. i am having trouble with updating ops.json, nothing is giving my character op permissions, i have tried my name only, i have even tried my uuid as per below format:



    "uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",

    "name": "YourNameHere",

    "level": 2



    rebooting the server wipes this file.

    are there any changes since march?

  5. I know this was made a year ago, but when I try to OP myself I need to restart the server to commit the changes. Do you know how I can restart the server? (I tried rebooting but that makes the server simply turn off).

  6. Changing the "ops.json" file changes nothing. Cannot use any commands to do things like change game modes or make another player an OP. Every tutorial, including this one has offered solutions that don't work.

  7. Is there any way to have the server not running when people are not connected to it? I hate to be using resources and paying for them if people aren't playing…


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