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Hey friends! My name is ProShow and I release daily Minecraft shorts. If you enjoyed this video, click the link below to subscribe to my YouTube! And be sure to follow my TikTok and other socials while you’re here 🙂
#minecraftshorts #noobvspro #noobvsprovsgod #minecraftparkour
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Dream nou dejar tudo preparadou
What In the YouTube shorts
Literalmente jugo igual en todos los modos jaja
Eres may bueno en MIncraft
Bro dream is faking
To main kya hu phir😅
In Germany we call it Grunderfahrung
are you crazy you not god but god is one
his name allah
Gang who saw no difference between them all
Çok kötü onulon ABİ
The noob is a pro
cheater vs noob vs pro xD
How to really like this game wow😢😱😬😶😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭hdhhdhjoejbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdhhdhdhdhhdhdhduuiqojsi😊skhsd😮shdh🎉hdbdbhskll❤n😹😿🕸🦎🦍🦛🦍🦏🦏🦬🦙🐃🦏🦬🦓🐃🦧Who is this
Так каждый может майкравте
youtube shorts on crack
By God do you mean techno blade
Tout mes félicitations 🎉😅 (respect)
I'm just saying that those who make that map are complete gods I can't even turn off the lava: v well yes but not do that Parkour
Тем временем я там лава а у меня есть ведро воды ага опсидиан
Я хакерпро100читер777про777
Pro parkour pro parkour next time cause that’s noob parkour make me so angry
this blew up my mind
Bros dum he has a water bucket with lava surrounding him
Fake you dream
Gods over here
I can't even beat noob
Bro the person that made this is a god unless someone did the 9bby and he saved the video in his gallery
The song: *kIcK mA BalLs
Bro sach bata kitne try lage
My easy it's parkour
What about Technoblade? :/
I am the only one who will throw water on lava to avoid risk 😎😎
Bora bil