Does This Mean Minecraft is Boring July 16, 2024 by Tyrecordslol Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ source
You have to take into account that lots of people use cheats which disable achievements so the number isn’t accurate Reply
My friend uses only creative mode on bedrock Even when he is on survival Before he invites me he gets netherite and takes ne to the end Reply
@Tyrecordslol so all of the players that never got these achievements are mostly hackers on cubecraft server lol Reply
Probably used cheats or did not have a full on acc like me on my Nintendo i did not have a microsoft acc so i did not get achievements. Reply
Keep inventory is only for modded servers I usually don't go beyond 1000 blocks atmost from my house so I'm usually back there in seconds getting my stuff Reply
I play on my switch, and I don’t have it connected, so I can’t even get achievements in any world lol Reply
i play creative mode but i don't enjoy it as much as i do whenever i start a new survival world Reply
Ok.hear me out. I've done all of those things but I play on servers and custom maps not survival Reply
Its because they be using google apk for free minecraft and you wont get achievement on them
It makes sense why no one crafted a wooden sword
Just make a stone or iron one
No maybe not everyone plays creative maybe more people play hive or other servers
You have to take into account that lots of people use cheats which disable achievements so the number isn’t accurate
My friend uses only creative mode on bedrock Even when he is on survival Before he invites me he gets netherite and takes ne to the end
Its prob bc most people cracks the game or does not play it
@Tyrecordslol so all of the players that never got these achievements are mostly hackers on cubecraft server lol
Probably used cheats or did not have a full on acc like me on my Nintendo i did not have a microsoft acc so i did not get achievements.
I think that if u don’t have a Microsoft account u can’t get achievements
Some people play with cheats on so they cant get achievements
I respect the super mario bros 3d world music
Keep inventory is only for modded servers I usually don't go beyond 1000 blocks atmost from my house so I'm usually back there in seconds getting my stuff
Im glad im part of all those!
Because they go onto creative mode (i have experience (no joke intended))
I play on my switch, and I don’t have it connected, so I can’t even get achievements in any world lol
Probably Alt's for servers, too. Way more common than you'd think.
Because nobody be playin survival
It's because advances in bedrock edition are broken
i play creative mode but i don't enjoy it as much as i do whenever i start a new survival world
Ok.hear me out. I've done all of those things but I play on servers and custom maps not survival
Those minors need to get back to work
Luckily on playstation 79% of players have chopped down a tree
I have 68% of all achievements. I need to throw an ender pearl 100 meters