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Minecraft 1.21 is currently the mysterious next update. earlier this year in the joke vote update snapshot minecraft added new redstone, new potions, and even a whole new dimension. is any of this actually a teaser for minecraft 1.21?
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if you read this comment “moon”
do you think there is anything in any of the joke snapshots recently that could be in minecraft 1.21?
I want that place block for gravel to flint
I still think a hardcore series in the vein of your 100 days ones in the infinite snapshot would be cool
I think a light source that doesn't block mob spawns would be interesting! It could be really interesting for map making, and would give a reason to decorate mob farms 💁♂️🤷♂️
You got take it off stuck in my head
it’s all I’ve ever wanted 🥴
A while back, playing with redstone components to figure out how they worked, I actually put gravel into a dispenser hoping it would place the block so I could farm flint, so a block placer could be cool. But maybe it would be OP for expert players.
I love the idea of self-building structures. The closest thing I've seen outside of the joke update is the schematic cannon from the Create Mod, but I like the concept from the joke update better. I like the idea of something portable that can be positioned and then activated to transform into a pre-designed structure. If the player can design what it transforms into, even better!
I wouldn't want new dimensions in vanilla Minecraft just yet. Personally, I've never even made it to the End in survival, but more importantly, the End and the Nether both need more added to them – especially the End, before new dimensions should be considered.
Moment won't add the new dimension until the end gets an update.
Here are some nametag tricks I'd light to see:
Wolves named bear turn brown or black
Axolotls named mudkip turn into the rare blue one
Bats named Dracula get fangs
And pufferfish named puff Will always be puffed u.
How about fixing lag on the switch for 1.21?
A new "planet" dimension would be interesting to see where Mojang would go with it. Lots of strange things that bring in missing block colors and maybe a new tool aka chisel to further the build options. They could go a bit crazy with it 😂
They need to add a techno tag for pigs that adds a crown on them
1:43 will mojang update Minecraft 1.21? but where did you get the apk from? I want it too, where can I download it?
2:01 I think we already got that (the dispenser)
I wish i could use the pack from ps4 minecraft on everything but only eome of it… The star odd pack has color changing in water and trees but the blocks from that pack are lacking. Love the animals from that pack as well. But i do wish we could maybe dye bodies of water or have different regions besides the swamp being a different shade.
Maybe big change for gameplay.
I kind of agree with you!
If you haven’t played The perfectly complex: 1.12.2 pack you are missing out on all of those things just slightly different and hella more awesome. Report your findings and then express your wtaf about why hasn’t mojang already done all of these things! Seriously would love to hear a reaction to seeing perfectly complex for the first time ever.
Lowered gravity in the end dimension would make sense, considering the wide gaps and floating islands that inhabit it
A battering ram block made of goat horns and wood that has to be moved by pistons would be way better than a block with just a picture of a pickaxe on it
I want 1.21 !!!!
I hope they put something new and exciting in the end dimension
Let’s all agree that Minecraft is better now than it’s ever been. Whatever mojang comes up with next, I’m all for it.
Does anybody know the music at 2:44?
I wish for a future update that they add actual trains into the game that would make traveling across the overworld much easier
I dont really think they would add a mine and build block to minecraft because its not really vanilla
A placer and breaker Block would be really nice to have, could make some automatic farms
We need a flying mount!
Pickaxe block? An auto miner machine sounds cool! Also: Copper expantion when?
I would love if they turned the end into a pseudo way they had the Mooon update. Obviously not space cows, or the fart to the moon thing, but I think giving the end a bunch of TLC is definitely on their list.
Before the nether update, they did busy bees, which while an update, was very small. It gives them time to work on other stuff behind the scenes. After caves and cliffs, we got a much more tame trails & tales. I think this is another prelude to a big update.
I want goggles that let you see underwater clearly
Rtx please
End cheese
i would love a Redstone update. its far to limited.
Its 13 minutes long in made 13 days a go 13
Nah we’re gonna get like 2 new blocks and 1 new mob again that’s all.
Should make a weapon and combat update
Yes Minecraft definitely needs space exploration not just the moon in fact Mojang have been known for quite literally just add mods into the official game take horses for instance they are nearly exactly the same as the mod they were inspired by
In this concept we could have rockets and spacesuits. Just like the mods there could be a way to choose where you go wether it’s like the real solar system or randomly generated planets with realistic quality’s is up to them. But this could be an amazing update one of if not the biggest updates Minecraft could see. But that’s just a theory A GAME THEORY!
I do wanna say if they take the realistic approach for this hypothetical update then they should get feedback from astronomers and other scientists in the field of space it would be the perfect opportunity to put more education in to the game I say more because Minecraft already taught me a lot more things than school lol.
1:46 if you got that reference you are my favorite kind of person.