Destroying the Economy on Minecraft’s WORST Pay-to-Win Server – WildPrison

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Today we are going to have a little fun with duping on WildPrison, possibly one of the most pay-to-win servers I’ve ever seen. This server breaks Mojang’s EULA beyond belief, so I suggest reporting them with this link:

Thanks to TraoX , deotime , Isak , and Duper Trooper for helping to make this video possible!


44 thoughts on “Destroying the Economy on Minecraft’s WORST Pay-to-Win Server – WildPrison”

  1. I wish someone could do this for the pixelmon servers, they took over control of the mod for minecraft pokemon and monitized it heavily to charge upwards of $400 for ranks and stuff, more pulls, things like that.

  2. Surprisingly, wild prison is still online, EVEN after breaking several tos rules. I would expect this kind of behaviour from an anarchy servers.

  3. Didn’t duper trooper get like a bunch of people banned in hypixel by dupeing stuff in hypixel skyblock and giving it to people and if you didn’t know if you have in any way shape or form dupe items you’re banned and wipes

  4. I kinda dont get the purpose of this video. Noone is there to make you play on this exact server. Therefore, people playing here are aware of shit they are playing in. So why bother, people playing in shit will still play there regardless, even though there are better options, just like mobile games. My idea is: pigs playing in mud dont feel ashamed or disgusted and noone gets them out, usually, therefore why bother in this case?

  5. What is inherently wrong with these servers? If people want to pay just let them, you act like you're white knights defeating these evil businessman!

  6. Ok, so you have a thing against p2w Minecraft servers, but what about stealing content from other YouTubers without crediting them? Like how this entire "Destroying a P2W Server" schtick is what The Horizon does on their channel, and yet you've given them zero credit 🤔

  7. great stuff SalC1 best way stop these money grabbing people keep up the good work and the rest of the team that helps and also to make things easier to put things in chests and take out and auto rearrange is a mod that is called "mousewheelie" one of the best mods i have had

  8. i know its a bit of fun but its not really showing the server owners, they will roll the server back and be at the same point as before, my kids play these sorts of servers and they arnt having my money because most of them have scummy practices, ive gave money to the servers that are actually what they claim to be, well moderated and non toxic

  9. Hey you guys should destroy loverfella that server is so pay to win when I was little I spent money on that game and regret it so I want to watch it crash and burn

  10. Why do idiots pay for this shit? Wtf kind of life do you have if you WANT to pay thousands of dollars to play on a fn minecraft server? All the ppl in that server need to have themselves checked for mental illness. I wouldnt feel comfortable around ppl that would be ok w that…

  11. Can I ask for a second again, What exactly is wrong with Pay2win on a MC server?

    In a game where there is a broad variety of servers, isn't it a choice to play on a pay2win server. Some people genuinely like to pay for things in order to make it all more fun. Like example, Is it wrong to hand out ranks with a few more TP's? Is that really a disadvantage over others? Or does it enhance gameplay? I think the latter is the case most of the time.

    I think it's only unfair if paid users get stuff that make's them invincible, But a slight boost isn't that bad. Other spend 20 hours playing, And someone else buys a rank so it take's them half that time. But it still requires some effort. And the money spend had to be earned, Again.. This take's time. All parties in this case spend equal efforts for their goods, On what is a play-style choice. Some just decided to spend this effort doing stuff IRL instead of playing all day through. Money is time and time is money. I see no issue with this, I just like to see incompetent administrations of place's fall in general. Just how I like it how Reddit is becoming more and more hated by the overal userbase, Might get them reformed in a few years. But that's another topic not suited here.

    But my question is really, What is wrong with plain P2W when it is choice and the benefits aren't that much better than the things granted to free users?

    Edit: This server is bad, It does not have anything to do with the thing written above. Because aside from being p2w it looks scammy as well.


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