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In this episode, we learn how to create diamonds simply from charcoal (wut?), create a cobblestone gen, and explore the Nether! This sure was an interesting episode, next episode we’ll definitely get into real spells! 😉
All music used belongs to Epidemic Sound & Kevin MacLeod!
Buy the game here: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us
Get the modpack here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/heavens-of-sorcery
Link to my discord server?: https://discord.gg/ETzRw5x
My apologies, this video took a LOT longer to upload than expected, mainly bc of it's length and high amounts of editing, but it was worth it. 😉
Mc-Starz: I fear no man, but that thing… the Nether… It scares me…
Me:sees a mod ore. also me:👁👁
Kinda late but at around 23:45 there is a purple ore that looks like amethyst when you peered over the edge, but you might've already seen it during editing. I just wanted to point it out, but this modpack rocks 🙂
Boy delirium storyline pt 5 Will come soon?
I'm a bag of meat
6:26 LOOK MOM I HAVE A DIAMOND ISN'T IT PRETTY!? Oop I dropped My diamond
Hello! I'm from Russia!
There was amythyst
33:52 This thing is giving me RLCraft flashbacks
Don’t be scared starz you can do it
mc starz: look mom, i have a diamond! isnt it pretty?
also mc-starz: throws it away immediately after
1 dislike????
Mc-starz: alot of you guys told me i dont need to jump on the drying basins
Me, one of the two people who commented: noticed.exe = SDYDGEUVNSID
With that molten pickaxe, you can mine the first tier of hardmode ores, cobalt and palladium. . . oops, wrong game.
Yeeeeaaaaaaah Minecraft time
Im a another suscriber (a dj bean)
off camera