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Minecraft Create with Bdubs Episode 1!
Today on the Create SMP we start out by making a house with some of the coolest blocks and mechanical pieces you could ever dream of!
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The create mod so belongs in minecraft, it fits better than half the crap they've already put in minecraft lol
You can make an actual full sized clock
Please please please link the modpack that you use! It seems like an awesome combination
I'm so excited to see what you build with this mod, it feels like it lends itself really well to your build style
Bdubs and Scar are in Minecraft heaven! I love this!
Everyone else: Create series= fun machinery
Bdubs: says some variant of 'pretty' or 'decorative' every third sentence
Low key reminds me of Factorio
BDubs, excited about super glue and moving windmill sails.
Scar, apparently has a whole moving house.
I am so excited for u guys!!! I am not aware of this version of minecraft , but I will be looking into it for sure :)… You have made a gorgeous start Bduds! looking forward to seeing what your creative mind comes up with 🙂 this is going to be so exciting to watch unfold! And what a marvelous thing for u, in that it has a cuckoo clock!! what are the chances lol …
Really excited for this series!! O also went and got the mod but only create because I feel like biome mods can get overwhelming. I'm excited to see what I can make. It feels like I'm learning the game all over again inany instances 😊
Your wind mill turns backwards. But such a lovely building
Scar's GIANT house on the tiny minecart I CAN'T XD
No mod has ever suited Bdubs more! Can’t wait to see where this series goes XD
is this modpack available somewhere?
wonderful house and clock! mumbo would be proud lol
Wow running hermitcraft, building with bdubs and this series seems like a handful! Very excited for this series, I remember when you played modded previously with scar and created the most amazing house using the Chisel & Bits mod! Very excited to see what else you can come up with using create mod (:
Bdouble.. Your windmill rotate in the wrong direction 😀
You should check out TNP Limitless 5 or 6! It would be an awesome series, there aren't many creators playing it. Love your videos and love that you're playing with mods!
1:20 Shorty having to jump to reach a 3 block height lol
Jokes aside, I'm quite excited to see the ways you implement all this machines and things into your buildings, Bdubs. You always kinda do it, but more or less imagining with vanilla, now it's the real thing!
I would love to play the exact modpack you guys are playing. Any chance someone could put it on curse forge?
This mod is so sick!!!
the create mod plus builders? YES!
"These are the technical body parts— sorry not body parts, that's gross. The technical GUTS!" Yes, bdubs, that's better XD
Can we find the mod list anywhere?
im so excited
I just watched an episode of a series I hope will last for years. Dude the work with house and combining the create stuff to it was just…. huh.
Dear Bdubs, great video, but the windmill blades are backwards, it wouldn't spin clockwise that way ;-;
What mods are you using?
what mods are you using for this i want it
I really hope you big time hermit craft fellas showcasing create gets Mojang's attention to bring these things to Minecraft, just like the story you told about the piston.
You could make an enderpearl teleported connected to the grandfather clock
Man. The completely unhinged, unregretful way that Bdubs speaks just makes me so happy.
"This is just the beginning of whats possible!" (casually glosses over Scar driving his house around)
I've literally been dreaming of getting to see the Hermits play in a Create world. This isn't quite the full complement, but it's a dang good start.
19:26 🔥💨💨
Amazing episode i'm so HYPE for the next one thanks, please can you invite Etho to the server ?!
Are you dressed as a hobbit cos you want to be shorter? 😁❤️. That Mod might have been created for you. Right up your alley
It's so interesting to see how each person has their own take on the Create Mod. Tango builds crazy farms, Bdubs enhances his builds to make them more alive, and Scar builds a house on a roller-coaster.
What I've seen of videos so far with the Create Mod didn't peak my interest very much – but this series is just straight up amazing! Can't wait to see what ya'll be making! <3
Reminds me of FTB back in the day. Those pipes blew my mind. And your steambpunk base was epic. Cant wait to see where this goes.
it looks sooo good right out of toscana in italy some mor wavy hills with bushes, wheat, an zypress trees oh maaaaan =D
ok ok ok. Great episode! very entertaining! BUT are we not going to talk about that smooth outro transition? 😛
Honestly, this is why I'll always be a fan. Within a single episode, I'm consistently inspired to build as well as push my editing boundaries.
Thanks Bdubs!
I need to know all of the mods and resource packs you guys have settled on!
I've been so charmed by the biomes mod that I'm considering starting a whole new world even though I was pretty far along in my first Create world.
What's that HUD I've seen in some peoples' videos that identified the block you looked at?
Until just now I had zero interest in modded minecraft. This looks fun.
I so cannot wait to see what this group comes up with
BDubs you should try make a thatch roof with the split hay bale
By any chance dose anyone know the decoration mod they used