Climbing a 7,803,635 Floor Skyscraper in Minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

We try and see how high we can climb in this modded Minecraft Minigame

Friends in the Video
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @sigils

• Video Editor ► Russell

• Discord:

​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu – Such Fun
Video Link:
Download the album!

#gaming #ssundee #minecraft

Thanks for watching!


49 thoughts on “Climbing a 7,803,635 Floor Skyscraper in Minecraft”

  1. I would like to suggest making more Fortnite videos like the poker minigame, 21, and murder mystery, all with Mr Chang. Or play Murder Run with Zud, Sigils, Nico, Lookumz, Pat, and Biffle.

  2. U this guy was in my life and now he has to get out the ☕️ door 🚪 for the ☕️ rest to go get the ☕️ dog 🐕 because 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 but he’s not going nowhere so it’s ok 👍👌 thanks ☺️ to me I will keep on being nice 😊 thanks ☺️ to the ☕️ man 👨 that made the ☕️ right decisions in life so far I love 🧡 it too so I am glad 😌 and happy 😆 and thank him and for all his help too for his time to the ☕️ moon

  3. Mod idea: evil referee/hockey mod:
    At the beginning, both team captains choose their teammates. Then they go do exercises and train and then every like day night cycle, they have to play each other in a hockey game. The team captain can promote their teammates and make them stronger. This goes one for 3 cycles until one team wins at the end. The impostor could be a evil referee or like a very big evil player. The impostor could send someone to the penalty bench, they could smash someone in the boards, shoot a hockey puck at them, etcetera. The map could be an arena. It is like the chess mod. Also it could be played individually where each player trains and then the player who scores the most goals wins the round. That way the evil referee could sabotage the crew better.
    Like if you think this is good.


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