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Good boi cleaning, but y don’t u just put jelly in the truck
I want you to be doctor!
crainer i dont realy like the way you treat jelly pls be nice to him
I want turtle town❤
you sack men
Crainer didn't even finish what is he going to say😂
jelly should win slogo is heardless
You should do distracks again
fu you crainer i will unscribe
Popeye I am in trouble I had the world record for the most jobs done
Im half danish
funniest video ever
jelly won u loser
I have a feeling crainer wins not the others
Where is turtle town?!
I love how they still remember numpty's restautrant lol
weird laugh josh for stealing jellys car
Maybe you could become a police officer
You are waste jelly won
jelly won as collected most garbage,
this is golden
I loved this video. This is the new gym.
It was funny when he trowing and stealing garbage truck🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I like how they throw the garbage trucks😂😂😂
Why did crainer do that 13:30 Lol
Crainer you cant pick up your self and put your self in the truck
This was so unfair Tor jelly
next video : working at walmart leaked
Real title:We are Managing our YouTube channel