Christmas & Deep Lab Archives! – Let's Play Minecraft 581

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Today I build a new Christmas Tree and then work in the archives under the laboratory!

Donate to help me and my channel! Thanks! –
(Your name and donation will be placed in the chapel. 50+ will get your name placed on the chapel wall and you will be turned into a villager with a random job throughout my world.) Thanks again for supporting my channel!

Linktree –

Second Channel –

Music I use –

Dallas’s Social Media:
Instagram –
Twitter –

World Downloads (Ep.550):
(Bedrock) –

Download my skins here! –

World Tours:
Ep.46 –
Ep.100 –
Ep.150 –
Ep.200 –
Ep.250 –
Ep.300 –
Ep.350 –
Ep.400 –
Ep.450 –
Ep.500 –
Ep.550 –

World Seed: 1404998407 (After Caves and Cliffs update, this seed is not the same)

Start the Adventure from Episode 1! –

History of this world:
This survival series started on July 10th 2014 on the MCPE (Minecraft Pocket Edition) App. I had quite a few MCPE videos before this series that I recorded and edited on the iPod 4th Generation. When I finally upgraded to the iPhone 5, this was when I wanted to start a Minecraft series that will last forever! I started this series on the iPhone 5 and eventually upgraded again to the iPhone 6 Plus for more power on Ep.66. MCPE on the iPhone 6 Plus served me well for a long time until the game started updating more and became even slower. This was until I bought myself a gaming laptop (Lenovo Y700) and transferred my ongoing MCPE world to Windows 10 Edition on Ep.154. Till this day, we are still surviving and thriving with builds in this world and plan to do so far into the future!

About me and my world:
Race: Slime
Age: 27
Country: US
World Created In: Update 0.9.0 (2014)
Computer: Lenovo Legion 5 Gen 7 –
Record With: OBS Studio
Edit With: Shotcut
Microphone: Blue Yeti (Blackout Edtion)
Headset: Astro A10

Thanks for watching!



29 thoughts on “Christmas & Deep Lab Archives! – Let's Play Minecraft 581”

  1. This world has grown a lot since Pocket Edition. Also, in the earlier episodes, the cactus farm not working and Dallas having to go into it to get the cactus because it didn't flow was somewhat hilarious. I'll probably watch more of the older videos until the current ones. Of course, I'll still watch the newer ones as well.

  2. When you said the city videos get less views, I just want you to know that the city I my favourite build in your world, in fact it inspired me to restart my world and build a city like yours, I’m now at 1000 days in it and since I started building like you I’ve found my own style and have improved massively.

  3. Streaming could be fun however I know some content creators have had a rough time doing it on the same channel as their main. Perhaps consider making some shorts? The algorithm seems to push those if you do one or two a week

  4. Merry Christmas Dallas. Our family started watching you 2022 during a serious family health crisis and we still look forward to what you upload. My husband and I have started a bedrock long-play world where we are determined to stay in one world and make memories together with our older children sometimes joining in. I'm excited to see what 2024 has in store for your Slime World and our Timberhold Harbor and Villagecraft.

  5. Another great episode Dallas. Been watching for a long time, watching your episodes always makes me want to play Minecraft. Thanks for all the great content this year and always. Can't wait to watch more in 2024!

  6. If its possible, it would be cool to see an episode where you tour the hermitcraft s9 download. You could maybe even add a cheeky build of your own. Not sure if that would be allowed though(?)

  7. You building things for and in the city is the most interesting right now for me 🙂 so many good ideas and how awesome it looks as it grows! Love it. But love all the rest too. I will watch every episode, no matter what. And i am so looking forward to the lifestreams, please make it happen, that would be so so good.

  8. the city looks gorgeous i just feel like the reason that the city videos don’t get a lot of views is just because building skyscrapers is very monotonous in nature so once you’ve seen one built you’ve seen em all

  9. Hey dallas you know how you built a nuke in the "lower offices" what if you built one in the wasteland that looks like it was dropped there like how in the fallout games you can find nukes that didn't explode when they were dropped and you can say multiple were dropped there and thats why it looks how it does


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