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The chasms appear more treacherous and the caverns more insidious…
Have you heard? Cavern’s and Chasms has arrived, being available for Forge 1.19 and 1.20.1. A part of Team Abnormals mod’s, Caverns and Chasms aims to expand upon the caves throughout all the land- changing it in numerous little ways through new enemies, mobs, ores and armors rather than conjuring up entire new biomes and ecosystems, (though that is on the come up!)
This showcase will, uh, 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙬𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙚 our findings on these new developing phenomenon and creatures, as well as the dos and don’ts so your next mining expedition isn’t as deadly as ours initially were…
Without further ado, please sit back, relax, and study these findings of ours…
INTRO – 0:00
Fragile Stone Generation – 1:01
Silver and Spinel Ore – 1:53
Azalea Planks and Rocky Dirt – 2:42
MOBS – 3:10
Mime – 3:23
Peeper – 4:23
Deeper – 5:49
Glare – 6:43
Copper Golem – 7:19
Silver and It’s Potential – 9:15
Spinel’s Usefulness – 11:01
New Alloys Ahoy! Necromium & Sanguine – 14:36
Gold and Copper Additions – 16:17
EPILOGUE – 20:00
Download Caverns and Chasms:
Modrinth – https://modrinth.com/mod/caverns-and-chasms
Curseforge – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/caverns-and-chasms
(NOTE: As of the writing of this video, 1.20.1 is currently in Beta for Patreons only- it won’t take long till the 1.20.1 version becomes public…)
Thanks for watching soldiers! We hope this showcase informed you of all the new dangers and rewards awaiting you in those darn caves…
…And subscribe! The troops will appreciate it! (:
hello soldiers!
there are a few of you that have noted that Caverns and Chasms is not available for 1.20.1… technically, it *is,* available for 1.20.1, but it is only available to Team Abnormal's Patreon subscribers for the time being. this entire showcase was recorded in a 1.20.1 early access build, which will eventually go public.
still, i prefer to be truthful and not misdirect, so i will change the title back to 1.19.2 until the 1.20.1 release becomes public.
apologies for any misdirection and disappointment.
Stupendous and original just the way it is
OMG its oneshot ost? 1:00
Looks fun
Coppergollem is litterally fate worse than death
Incredible mod. I love when mods actually integrate their content with vanilla content. It's something vanilla Minecraft has been missing recently.
Will this become an add-on?
once again, another modder doing more work in a night than mojang employees do in a year combined
Loving these mod showcases as well as the background music you use. Do you think you could put credits so we can enjoy it as well ? Keep up the good work fellow gamer
Textconjure aint here so someone had to step in for the job huh
Man I hate watching such great mod showcases because it reminds me just how little and boring vanilla Minecraft is.
Fun fact: if you fight with a mime while you have 11 music disc in your off hand and kill the mime to get the new music disc
That rewind potion looks like so much fun.
No offense, but your content looks similar to Text Conjure, you know that guy?
Why mcpe is so forgotten and will never reach even the feet of the mods that existed for 1.12 in java 🙁
(Obviously because of reasons like optimization but still)
0:43 Shortly about me when i saw this bozo first time
earned yourself a sub with how nicely conveyed the mod is shown here. you do good!
i'd probably be using this in my modpack if teamabnormal mods didn't already bug me out a few times
Kinda funny that the glares (Since glares are usually given to those you have a grudge against) turn out to be the most adorable li'l guys
Tunning golems is my favorite feature from this mod. So useful and well fitted in the game…
Kinda feel some TheBetweenLands vibes. Hope you'll got some popularity 🙂
Loved this mod and I had never heard bout it till now
Look nice :))))
Cave mod :))
That’s freaking uncanny