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Better then wolves is a mod from 1.5.2 where the player is tasked with TERRIBLE TIMES. It essentially takes every fun part of the game and turns it into a grueling nightmare while taking every bad thing about minecraft and making it a little more bad. Enjoy my surfacing.
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Get the mod here
➤ https://modrinth.com/mod/better-than-wolves
get my epic merch so i can use all ur money to buy more merch for myself CAUSE ITS SICK
This mod is not that hard for me because….
it impossible for me
so much dedication, thats insane. I dont wanna know how long this video took, respect man
This is minecraft but more realistic run
I’m in the #wolvesarebetter camp after watching how awful that mod looks 😂 loved the video 💪
I was already watching a video from a different video with the SAME LENGTH AND MOD…it LITERALLY takes TWO HOURS to BEAT?!
New here. Amazing video. So well made
minecraft if it was terraria
1:13:45 So are you saying that there are brain cells in your toes or something?
02:00:46 same reaction when i see people of that color irl
Better than wolves HC series would be pretty unique on YT, you done the hard part now, you might as well start rebuilding the world like every other thousands of days in HC series
ngl i feel like this is faked
No hate but i think you can tone down your energy just a teensy bit.
imagine if mojang worked on their game as hard as modders
Wild seeing as someone who was around for the mods first version, its so much more grindy now!
Using soul urns to craft cement was probably inspired by the great wall of China
why its so beatiful in the left bottom of the map?
– Ohh it's on of the main rooms
Creeper right up his face: Hello there
Me gust wl queso
The only time a bane of arthropods enchant has been useful😂😂
Mod team: "So how can we spice up our mod?"
Main developer: Pulls paper out of hat "It says wolf's are hostile to player."
Mod team member: "What? Again? Let me see that!"
Hat falls to the ground. All the pieces of paper say every named mob is hostile to the player
I'm so tired of watching this video, I can't imagine how tired u are of playing this mod in it