Can we escape this GIANT Maze in Minecraft?

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Can we escape the GIANT HAUNTED Maze in Minecraft?


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Only Antics:

Maze commissioned from Kaizen:

#Minecraft #ScenarioSMP #minecraftsmp

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43 thoughts on “Can we escape this GIANT Maze in Minecraft?”

  1. The Top 10 Of The World's Funniest One Liners!

    1. Ninety-nine percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
    2. If you don’t like the news, go out and make some.
    3. If we aren’t supposed to eat animals, why are they made with meat?
    4. This statement is false.
    5. Nuke the Whales.
    6. Save the whales. Collect the whole set.
    7. I took an IQ test and the results were negative.
    8. The last thing on earth you want to do will be the last thing you do.
    9. On the other hand, you have different fingers.
    10. Energizer Bunny arrested; charged with battery.

    Maybe the world's most thought-provoking one-liner is "Eat right. Stay fit. Die anyway." It's sad but true — no matter what you do, you will die. This is because you have sinned against God. Let's see if that's true: Have you ever lied (even once)? Ever stolen (anything)? Jesus said, "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery already with her in his heart." Ever looked with lust? If you have said "Yes" to these three questions, by your own admission, you are a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart; and we've only looked at three of the Ten Commandments. How will you do on Judgment Day? Will you be innocent or guilty? You know that you will be guilty, and end up in Hell. That's not God's will. He provided a way for you to be forgiven. He sent His Son to take your punishment: "God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Jesus then rose from the dead and defeated death. God promises everlasting life to all those who confess and forsake their sins, and trust in Jesus Christ. Please do that today . . . you may not have tomorrow. See John 14:21 for a wonderful promise. Then read the Bible daily and obey what you read. God will never let you down.Visit

  2. This reminds me of the old Maze Runner maps in Minecraft. Good days, anyone else can relate?

    Edit: To anyone who is confused, yes I know it is a Maz Runner map. But what I mean is the old Maz Runner maps, they were mostly different and of a larger scale. This map is most likely a newer version.

  3. please dont ever mention the Maze Runner movie. it ruins what the books were. the first was somewhat close. but the second… i absolutely loved the Scorched Earth book but the movie… it wasnt even the same damn thing.

  4. This reminds me of the old Maze Runner maps in Minecraft. Good days, anyone else can relate?

    Edit: To anyone who is confused, yes I know it is a Maz Runner map. But what I mean is the old Maz Runner maps, they were mostly different and of a larger scale. This map is most likely a newer version.


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