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Drop your best ideas in the comments below Join My Minecraft Server ▻ http://bit.ly/PlayOnMyServer MumboJumbo: …
Drop your best ideas in the comments below Join My Minecraft Server ▻ http://bit.ly/PlayOnMyServer MumboJumbo: …
Is there a loverfella discord server?
How do you to home
I love it my house is a normal hotel and im making a animal hotel soon and putting the animals that eat etchover in diffrent rooms im a little pro at minecrat becues im not that good at it
right so this is just a concept, so LoverFella could have players pay him to base flip their bases.
use a hoe for breaking shroomlight
My bilding take weeks
I would deffentily buy it
Does he accept free accounts to join his serve
Is it just me or is anyone else thinking loverfella has ocd?
Anybody know what shaders he use
How I join that sever
Zack you really have OSD
what's the code to the sever
Didn’t he have more money before the flip?
I actually like that house
Someone tell lover to use a hoe on shroom lights lol
What do you type to get in the server
What I have a good idea you could make a battleship base please
Hoe els watch thuis at 2:30 in the nigt
The Gospel: We sin against God and for our sins we deserve hell. We fall short of God’s perfect standard for heaven. But the good news is we have a way to be forgiven, that way is through Jesus. Because he loved the world, he came, lived a sinless life then died on the cross for our sins, paying the price which is death. He was buried and rose again on the third day. Through Jesus we can be forgiven of our sins. If we put our faith in him we will be saved
Hi lover fella can i buy that for 4.3 Million? Its really cool
U should have kept the base
I feel bad for whoever made the exterior lol
Bad ward
Btw if you use a hoe it breaks shroomlights faster
Zack build a pool like izack plz for me
You absolute Buffon lover fella. Use glass panes they look so much nicer.
Lover fella I need help my base is bad plz reply literally 5×5 I need a base
he went form 11m to 10.500.000