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Which myth do you think is fake? 🤔
EY is the best
I like 09sharkboy
and prestion play and Bri
Xray is not fake it wored
Eystream X ray is not fake only works on bedrocks edition
Bro dont even see the invincible axolotl but its there the red axolotl😮
The glass myth mojang has fixed preston is fixed
The invincible axolotl does work, you just need to find it correctly.
0:28 this is not busted i think cause you need to wait for 15 secs i think
apperently, all of eystreem myths is true but i dont know if the seed is true or not
I HEY! YOU! 😡😡😤😤🤬🤬🤬
You have to colour the 👓
The twerking one actually works cause I did it my self
You did some myth wrong
0:34 this isn’t fake you needed a timing
Actually in bedrock the 5 music disc myth is true! I played it in my house and the warden nearly killed my cat
Is your YouTube?fake
You just lost the fan because you hate can’t you just lost the fan man sorry
Eysteem is not a lier 😡
I love cats bro lol
I love you
Preston eystreems myth is real. is you splash potion of decay to 12 to 15 seconds and splash it with potion of healing it will work
cccccccccccccc for cool preston
it worked on bedrock 7:00
Wud up the axotle myth does in fact work , you just had to wait for em to die
Bro why U hate ey, I tested these myth in bedrock and work.
Preston on ey myth you need bedrock eddition
Try the axilotal one again it works
The axolotl myth works. If an axolotl is red, it’s invincible.
Dinner bone One he had his hands up how was this character moving🤨
X-ray only works in Bedrock not Java