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#CampMinecraft #Alxton
❗ About Camp Minecraft:
Welcome to Camp Minecraft Season 2! A 1.16 Vanilla Minecraft server based on Survival and Funny Moments. Join the friends as they go exploring the new Nether, beat Minecraft and build amazing farms. We also have some custom datapacks that add cool unique items to the server!
Datapack: https://wasdbuildteam.website/camp-datapacks/
@Henwy : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXfhM8P6axreQmJ2zL4_WypEWFXPSWy6G
@Sigils : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyVTD99B6dvx54rRe8kF8AdxTUPb9grg2
@Biffle : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3cjHI9IU-ZpeaGd1Hal9fiTn6Hy7A48C
@JeromeASF : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0cQEPFPswO6Y5M6PW3hWhBKSFbjib3Mp
@Alxton : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrUtcTPpm5VlixMmUoF8M21rZuCYiQlnS
@Nicovald : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcj9QtNFGEZEaL4B61Yll49tnik0mi0Z5
@Karangutan : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj69oVeBi7qmldxptQGgXmX9r4khakpEa
@GoldActual : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_uoLIE1D2cdHqUlE9LGOt3xnv70a8M7I
@Ambrew : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8SGrfdQ2XBS7nzCvwp5Rtm8jdRKaGwrp
What do you think about the secret base?
i love it lyk crismas
Ambrew and alex are on the case!
Did u know Karan rigged the election in one of his camp vids
I love how ambrew is still a vampire
The base is very good! Alex
What happened to the the TPP
What happened to alxton being a officer?
OMG Austin is goin to have a house again!
Did he build the tower in this vid
You’re telling me he payed 17 camp bucks for a rectangle
Alox biffles build is one of your worst builds you made.
Did anyone else notice that his elytra had port 4?
How did you get prot 4 on elytra
You deserve more subs
You should up your powers because compared to biffles it’s terrible
Idk why but everytime he mentions the chopper, I always think of the famous Arnold line. "GET TO THE CHOPPER!"
what happend to jeff
Alox there is somting in there go altheway
Christmas hat is bc of optifine
Hi, build every a msnsion!
Will you ever do an Omegle video?
Henwy is like Biden biffle is like trump think about it
Henwyy is turning the server from a democracy to a autocracy
Y does the face on the building look like a crawling baby
Something is Fishy….. With Fishsticks!
Alex biffles house looks like a Pringle’s can with the logo on it
You forgot that ambrew is a vampire
Sigils talked to Johnny not karan
14:26 that’s not the knee alxton XD
what if it is the camp consular
happy new years eve alxton!!
How does your elytra have protection 4!!!
Look at your pixel monde server and look around there might be something there.
Alxton! Your tHE bEsT
Remove the Wiffle from Biffle. He lost his Wiffle when he everyone voted Wiffle out as he was sus.
Awesome episode! Love the sky scraper! Looks awesome! Can’t wait to see the interior and what you build next! Hope the Mayor and Karan are not up to something to bad. Keep up the great work! Have an amazing day! See you later! Happy New Year! Hope you have an awesome New Year!
The helipad is floating add some structure to it
You should get them to do another vote but instead of letting the vote cards to the super computer that was used make it go to a chest that is not meant to be apart of the computer and check the votes at the end to see if it was rigged or not.
What happen to vampire Amdrew!¿?
You were out at night time
Hold on, Since when can you put protection 4 on an elytra?
Do you know that helicopters don’t work in Minecraft if you have a mod
When alex ses im gona biuld an skyscreaper me uuu thats gona be like 300 blocks tall then me bruh
Lol i think Andrew got a little excited at 14:53😂
U should troll sigils by building a giant biffle with his face off lol
Join the villan pls
Hey man I’m new to YouTube and was wondering if you had any pointers? I do a hardcore no comms series on my channel! Thanks for the read and have a good one!