Building A Minecraft House With No Plan

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Decided to do something a little different today and try out some building! I found this really cool mountain and it had a flat area that was perfect for a house. I think it ended up turning out pretty well and I hope you like it!

Note this isn’t one of those Minecraft building tutorials that goes block by block, this footage is pretty condensed from the entire building process. However, if you like what you see and you think a detailed tutorial would be cool, or if you have any suggestions for other builds you’d like to see, let me know! I try to read every comment, though with the crazy growth the channel has seen in the past coupe of weeks it’s getting somewhat overwhelming haha. I appreciate all the kind words and support though, you all are awesome!

Check out my Vanilla+ mod guide below for all of the mods/datapacks/resourcepacks/shaders I use:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

All credit goes to the original mod creators. They make great stuff, so go check them out!

0:00 – Intro
0:13 – Building
6:20 – Outro

“Taswell” – C418
“Dreiton” – C418

#minecraft #gaming #relaxing


20 thoughts on “Building A Minecraft House With No Plan”

  1. Maintain this upload schedule, with the same quality and keep doing what you love and ignoring the overstimulating content creators. You will 100% be successful and a founder in the low stimulation content creator space. I want more creators to aspire to create content as you do. Remain disciplined, keep up the amazing work. Don't lose your opportunity to be one of the greats. I rarely comment, but anything to increase the likelihood of you continuing to upload is worth the time.

  2. Honestly I am not sure why I am here but i am happy i am here because i never really liked building houses in minecraft but for some reason i was drawn towards this video and really enjoyed watching you build this house with great motivational quotes and these videos you are making have great quality to it i hope to see some more great videos in the future 😀

  3. I just found your channel and your easily one of my favourite YouTubers now, mod pack?amazing. Editing? Better then movies. Commentary? Calming to a point meditation can’t get too.

    You have something special and I just know one day your going to get the recondition you deserve.
    Keep up the great content!

  4. Hey man, your videos are fantastic. Really cozy and chill with great editing. Just beautiful work. I loved this video and would love to see more building from you, in the future. I hope you keep gaining success in the coming days, weeks, and years. Have a great day.

  5. This is one of the best vids I’ve seen in a while. I’m sick of those high energy videos, and I love these slower more quality dense videos. It’s very calming and your last video was inspirational. Earned a sub and keep up the amazing work 🙂🔥


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