Bobsled Racing Through a Mountain – Minecraft!

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) โžœ

Itโ€™s Minecraft 508! We grab our bobsleds and race down an icy track through a mountain.
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47 thoughts on “Bobsled Racing Through a Mountain – Minecraft!”

  1. Yooo all i have to say is whoever is coming up with these ideas and building these lets plays, keep doing it! Your creative mind is beautiful and brings much joy and entertainment to me! I love every single one of you! Thank you for existing and being yourselves

  2. It pains me to say the because MC is the last series from AH that I am interested in watching but these past few let's plays were incredibly boring.
    It feels like watching paid actors to play a scripted MC video instead of couple of goody guys having good time. The reactions feel forced like they have somebody in their headset constantly saying to them that they have to have fun right now or else.

    Even the "games" are just by the numbers. It's just low effort recycled stuff they did many times over the years. Yet they have twilight forest modpack they can explore and do let's plays in. They can even create some characters around that and roleplay it. They can switch to any other modpack or survival map and there are plenty of them.

    Or they should retire MC completely.

  3. this minecraft phase of doing these minigames every episodes really sucks balls btw….it has no Let's Play feel at all. Things to doish at the very least. These videos are shit imo. I haven't watch a full minecraft episode in weeks due to this….

  4. Watching alfredo angrily try to break his boat with a hoe had me cracking up laughing. This was a pretty cool course! If you did it again (like an X version or something) i think something like trip wires to spawn mobs/traps would make it crazier and easier than buttons. Otherwise, fun video!

  5. I enjoy the planned stuff theyโ€™ve been doing, it looks like they put a lot of work into building these things, BUT I do miss the โ€œwild and freeโ€ play throughs. Hurt them running around in survival getting themselves into trouble.

  6. I feel like I'm in the minority here, but I actually really love this style of video. Yes, some changes to the track would make this more challenging for repeat runs, but I enjoyed seeing all of the different paths and the treachery. Plus, the time and effort of digging out this mountain and building a literal 3D made inside? AMAZING. And for those talking about how these videos aren't good because there aren't any OG members in it: Newsflash, but the OG members aren't any better content creators than the new crews. You're just nostalgic, and instead of hating on the things AH is doing to expand and provide more content for you despite members often having millions of other hobbies or obligations, why don't you just go watch those "OG" videos. It'd make you and everyone else happier. Love the content, love the crew, and I for one appreciate seeing Trevor take more of the forefront in videos โค

  7. As much as I like everyone in this video including Lindsey, they should probably stop having Lindsey be the idea person for the minecraft episodes, this ones fine and all but the execution could've been a lot more well done which could be said for essentially all these last "challenge/competition" kind of videos. Also sort of pointless being on this server when yall are having no overlap with any of the other groups which was the whole purpose of yall doing this server.

  8. Good idea but it needs better execution:
    – Lava under every drop from the course so you can't just get back up on the track and can reset without Lindsay's help.
    – Tripwires to spawn the silverfish instead of buttons.
    – And a longer length or slower run through the course. Maybe add like a field of doors you have to navigate through or some slaloming through the straights.

    I hope they read the feedback and we can have another run at this.

  9. Like everyone else said: I love the crew, but the Minecraft videos feel empty recently. The only way I can do these videos now is as background noise while Iโ€™m folding laundry. Thereโ€™s nothing exciting to pay attention to.

    See you next laundry day!

  10. i enjoy when new things are added to acchievment island, it's fun to see it slowly grow and evolve with new builds added in to it! Also trevor forgot to put a sign up on the golden gavin ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


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