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Minecraft 1.20 is a nice update with armor trim, sniffers, and lots more. But what if it had more? And what if that more made perfect sense for the update too? Today we’re expanding and improving minecraft 1.20 with some vanilla feeling changes!
🍓 BERRY MERCH! → https://teespring.com/stores/shop-wattles 🍓
compass – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/better-compass-display-coordinates-and-cardinal-direction/
racks – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/tool-rack-hang-your-tools-and-weapons/
brutes – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/piglin-brutes-now-drop-snout-armor-trim-datapack/
archeology – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/1-20-custom-suspicious-sand-gravel/
sherds – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/sherd-tweaks/
strongholds – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/deepslate-strongholds/
pots – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/botanic-pots-datapack/
ravens – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/hm-ravens/
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if you read this comment “banana”
if you could add ANYTHING to minecraft 1.20, what would it be?!!
I ❤😮😊😊love it
Pov: u just said "suck it bedrock!"
1st, its your design/datapack which, isnt in bedrock or Java.
2nd, you just said that to even millions, BILLIONS! Bedrock users./pocket edition users.
Also, you said, "You can Duplicate armor trims which is a weird thing " um, what the actuall f
Camel Armor
I really want tool racks
Why do you still have the face mask on?
Mojang always listens but never adds these things.
Holy snickers! I want that weapon rack!
Do these datapacks work on Minecraft Pocket Edition too?
I'm a bedrock player FUCK YOU I found this offensive
10:40 LEGO mods?! Perspect!😉
Bro I swear these videos are so "let's whip something up cuz I need to post but waste 70% of my viewers' time cuz I don't have much to say and what I do have to say has been said millions of times". So generic and just kills ur channel lol
As long as the Raven doesn't have parrot noises i like the idea
I need lilacs in my house A.S.A.P.! DEVS! make it happen……
definitely think you shold continue making videos like this! I think the possibilities for future minecraft updates are endless and they need to be shared!!
Man I clicked this thinking they'd actually added new stuff. Clickbait.
Idk what it would be really bc I’m on console..but have you considered dabbling in some kind of furniture mod since you like to decorate
What is a "sherd"?
That one clip of the wall covered in tools displayed on the racks looks so cool, I definitely want those in vanilla Mc
A raven for finding structures and a pigeon for transporting small amounts of items long distances would be good
wattles 5*
Love videos like these
Bro i installed that toolrack datapack before you made a video I was blown away of how amazing and genius it was wall and floor a chefs kiss 💋
Great video! Part 2?
Why does it have to take modders to make a better version of the game than the actual game devs?
Wattles if you could answer this- I can never find out how to get anything to work on Java edition when it goes to even texture pack- please give me a guide if you can!
Or the racks get on both minecrafts and amour stands don’t have arms on both minecrafts but still can put items on them!
Lodestone is in the game FYI, it doesn’t show coordinates but you can link a compass to it and that’s it’s new “north”
Do it in bedrock edition
I want the first one on all versions
They have a whole ass block for compasses to do that
The devs no longer listen to the community. They recieve so many bomb threats at both headkuarters monthly they've lost our trust. That's why modding and data packs are highly encouraged so You can chnge your own Minecraft.
Sherd duplication should be with a clay block to create a mold, which you can than use to create copies of the sherd with clay (which have to be baked to finish)
Saw a mod recently where ravens hid your character name, I like this one better but the map might be too much. I can see mojang going more of the ender pearl route and have you follow them
You shall quate the raven, never more
Love the rack it looks lovely.