Better Minecraft Ep. 13 – The Aether

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28 thoughts on “Better Minecraft Ep. 13 – The Aether”

  1. Blue aether clouds = super boost up
    White aether clouds = slowly drift down through them if you stand still
    Yellow aether clouds = boost down

    You can use them to build really cool super flight paths in the overworld with blue sending you into yellow into blue…

  2. Pretty sure from a lore standpoint, Vexes are what you get when you bind the tormented soul of a tortured Allay to a summoning ritual known only to Illagers… Consider how you find them in the woodland mansions; sealed in a small, dark prison cell. Vexes are intangible, and can pass through blocks unbound to anything but the Illager that summoned them. Allays meanwhile are trapped, incapable of escaping without outside help. If Vexes aren't the ghosts of vengeful Allays, I'll be very surprised. Players don't have any means of stealing said ritual to confirm the truth of the matter, but that doesn't mean the answer hasn't probably been staring us in the face ever since Allays were voted in, which is grim to think about. The only good reason to have the Allay is to free it from a horrible fate.

  3. 18:30 ish he starts talking about a serial… un-alive-r, I believe the person he's speaking of is called Dorothea Puente. Saw an episode of The Casual Criminalist on her not too long ago, if anyone's interested.

  4. Hi, I'm a developer for Paradise Lost. Thanks for showing our mod. I've forwarded this video to the team, and we really appreciate the compliments. The 'chocobo looking guys' are in the mod, though unfortunately they don't spawn very much in the biome you spawned in. We're working on the first dungeon for the next update, and we're hearing your suggestions. Thanks! Have fun.


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