BEST EASY Mob Farm 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock – MCPE/Xbox/PS4/Nintendo Switch/Windows 10

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

In this video, I will show you how you can make the next generation of mob farming in Minecraft which uses a villager to remove a limit of 50% that limited space of 50% space that we can use it but in the normal case, we can’t, now with this farm, you can use 100% of space you can get for spawning mobs in Minecraft!

If you enjoy this channel will focus on high-performance and simple farms that are beyond levels of bedrock so be sure to turn on the notification to be notified!

_________________________ [ Farm Details ] __________________________

🧱 Farm Performance : 1300 up to 5100/hour! depending on the looting level and number of layers

🔨 Farm Mode : Fully Automatic

✨ Versions : 1.16 – 1.17 – 1.18 – 1.19 – 1.20 – 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 – 1.20.3 – 1.20.4 – 1.20.5 – 1.20.6 – 1.21

💻 Platforms : MCPE/Xbox/PS4/Nintendo Switch/Windows 10/PS5/XBOX ONE

📂If you want to download world Join Discord Server
🔎Link :
💌 Base Design By : @TheySixYT

_________________________ [ Social Media ] __________________________

📸 My Social Media :
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📡 Discord Server :

_______________________ [ Game Information ] _______________________

✨ Shaders : Complementary
✨ Resource Pack : Default
✨ Mods :
◉ Replay Mod :​​
◉ Optifine :​​
◉ Camera Mod :

____________________________ [ Credits ] _____________________________

Music track: gingersweet by massobeats
Music track: hillside by massobeats
Music track: Sunbeams by Moavii
Music track: lavender by massobeats
Music track: taro swirl by massobeats
Vlog Music for Videos (Free Download)

___________________________ [ Chapters ] ___________________________

00:10 Explantion & Item List (IMPORTANT)
00:30 Farm Location (IMPORTANT)
01:30 Farm Building (IMPORTANT)
08:03 How To Use (IMPORTANT)
11:26 Do You Want More ?!

_____________________________ [ Tags ] _____________________________

Tags : minecraft,gaming,how to,theysix,minecraft farm,minecraft farms,minecraft tutorial,minecraft bedrock,minecraft bedrock farms,minecraft bedrock farm,minecraft mob farm,mob farm,bedrock mob farm,mob farm minecraft,minecraft bedrock mob farm,bedrock mob farm minecraft,mcpe,xp farm minecraft,minecraft bedrock xp farm,xp farm,mob xp farm,ps5,ps4,xbox,nintendo switch,minecraft console,mob farm 1.21,minecraft mob farm 1.21,minecraft xp farm,how to make,1.21

#minecraft #minecraftfarm #gaming


47 thoughts on “BEST EASY Mob Farm 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock – MCPE/Xbox/PS4/Nintendo Switch/Windows 10”

  1. ❤🔥Please please watch the first few parts even if you didn't understand watch it once again, because it's a new method that makes it possible to use 100% of space for spawning mobs, hope you all enjoy using this monster 🙂

  2. lets be honest this time the quality of explaintion and editing was something i wanted to see in bedrock tutorials so easy to follow more angles thank you for hearing to community

  3. Man the editing is still horrible. Work for your audience. The text is not up long enough and the English is HORRENDOUS. You have great builds but get just one person to proofread who speaks and writes English. Hell I’d even do it.

  4. but to be honest editing is godlike i loved it well done bro honestly everything is now high quality just a little bit texts need more improving and you will be most highest quality farm maker

  5. works and and i can really see difference its not like you get more but spawning speed of mobs are 50% faster i guess its because of that thing he explained at the first


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