BECOMING THE GOD OF ANIME!?! | Minecraft [Butter's "JAFFA" Quest – #11]

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Hey peeps and welcome BACK to our Justifiably Ambitious Fun (yet) Frightening Anime Quest, today we become a GOD of anime.. so if you like Demon Slayer, One Piece, My Hero OR “basically” EVERYTHING ELSE, you’ll love this series… So, with all that said, sit back, relax and “hopefully” you enjoy the series videos!!!

#anime #minecraft #minecraftmods

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38 thoughts on “BECOMING THE GOD OF ANIME!?! | Minecraft [Butter's "JAFFA" Quest – #11]”

  1. There are 3 types of devil fruits
    Zoan: Lets you transform into any animal and gain its powers
    Logia: Control an element and any physical attacks will go through you
    Paramecia: Does everything else

  2. 12:13 no ur not immortal not invincible people without haki cant touch you and people with haki can btw its pronounced ha-key logia users cant be hurt by physical attacks they need to be coated with haki to hurt a logia user

    as a one piece fan it hurts hearing him say that he's immortal XD

  3. To be honest the light form was better and had a bit more control you were in vulnerable you don't like stuff on fire and you don't destroy things all that much there are a few moves that the light form has that are negative but that's only if you're away from your base where you really don't care but yes honestly between the lightning form and your life form I believe the light form is better for you


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