Beating Minecraft But Breaking Blocks Spawns Mobs

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Today I’ll be beating Minecraft But Mining Blocks Spawns Mobs.

This is yet another challenge video from me, I didn’t want to make it Hardcore as doing Hardcore in the last video was insane. I wanted something a bit more chill.

This is not an original idea, this concept has been done by numerous creators, the Thumbnail is inspired by Boffy.
I wrote the modern version of this plugin myself.


50 thoughts on “Beating Minecraft But Breaking Blocks Spawns Mobs”

  1. Wake up babe, new Torchy video just dropped.

    You’re quickly rising to the top of my favorite MC YouTubers. Love the long videos and your style of commentary with the challenges. Good stuff dude, excited for more!

  2. You know the situation is bad when the griefing mobs are the more helpful bunch lmao

    Also, Polar Bears are neutral, as long as you're not near any cubs. Then they'll behave much like some comments in this video.

    Oh yeah, that one Warden was locked in on you because you punched it as it spawned in. They pretty much can "see" whatever that dealt damage to it.

  3. i watched this on my lunch break. thanks for making a double shift bearable.

    super offended FOR the bamboo looking right at you while you punch trees looking for sticks πŸ˜‚. and I have never seen a zombie pop a totem, that's wild. btw im officially MORE terrified of Wardens.

  4. iirc, when trading with villagers, you can hold down shift and spam space bar after buying the items from the villagers, it will automatically shift the items you were selling right into the sell slot and it just happens much faster

  5. i wanted to say i really enjoy your content. i never comment, but I have been looking for more classic Minecraft modded gameplay and this is perfect. not too dramatic or loud lol, and you're an honest gamer. keep posting!


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