Banning A Cheater In Survival Minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

I BANNED a Cheater In Survival Minecraft using a hidden exploit!

These cheaters duped the dragon egg using an illegal machine! So I decided to take them down with the help of @Antt! We tried to ban them using a glitch that continuously kicks the player, therefore banning them. Watch to the end to see if we are able to do it!

Inspired By @That Chief Guy Ty ❤️

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#minecraft #infusesmp


23 thoughts on “Banning A Cheater In Survival Minecraft”

  1. You only need to get the ban item in their inventory if its a paper server. Otherwise the ban item will kick all players within a range when thrown as an item. The ban range is circle on servers 1.18+ and square on servers 1.17.1-

  2. yeah no swag is also a scammer. me and a random team fought in a 3v3 bridge tourney on minemen and we won and we were promised irl money but never got it,, my friend got screenshots of swag saying "yeah no im not giving you the money, LOL get scammed"


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