Baby Yoda vs Darth Vader: Minecraft Star Wars Part 2 #shorts

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

A long time ago, in an alternate universe, a galaxy far far away. When daddy Mando is not watching.. Darth Vader learned a hard parenting lesson of traveling with the Child without snacks. That’s not the way! Baby Yoda meets Darth Vader part 2. Will Baby Yoda aka Grogu, the frog egg eater, lover of all food turns to the dark side? How will he use the force? Darth Vader have a lot to learn from the mandalorian when it comes to parenting!

Check out this minecraft star war edition.
From our family to yours.
Voiced by a 5 and 7 year old Mandalorian fans.

May the force be with you!

#short #shorts

Disclaimer: This has absolutely nothing in related to the original Star Wars Movie storyline..


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