Are You BORED Of Minecraft? Try These Tips.

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) โžœ

What do you do when youโ€™re bored of Minecraft? Hereโ€™s three simple tips to help you stay inspired and have fun in your 1.20 Minecraft Survival world. I want to help you build the world of your dreams, step by step! So letโ€™s dive into how to stay busy and enjoy Minecraft, whether youโ€™re on a solo survival world, a Realm, or an SMP!


34 thoughts on “Are You BORED Of Minecraft? Try These Tips.”

  1. Hey soup! Your content really draws me in. I've never bought a membership to a YouTube channel before, but I couldn't stop myself from supporting you. Thanks for reeling me back to good old Minecraft joy! The nostalgia hits real hard.
    Stay prepared for Gill's evil plans!

  2. Man, you've genuinely inspired me. Not just to take Minecraft slower, but also to have plenty of projects at once and to build genuine houses that I want to live in. It's so much better, especially building a mine in the side of a hill. It's not quite done yet, but it's very inspired by your mine!

  3. I just remembered a little detail from a few episodes ago when you built the soup bowl, saying there were no soups in minecraft. Course, the video probably got comments like this but don't forget my boy beetroot soup!!

  4. Well, my issue is that minecraft just doesnโ€™t have what I want. There just isn't exactly any sort of progression. No actual reason to make anything. Nothing really to discover in the world besides a cool cave or a cliffside. It sucks that I can't really have fun with a game that I've been playing since I was a kid.

  5. Good suggestions. Your series has motivated me to return to Minecraft after a long hiatus. Not feeling like I have to rush for anything helps me to enjoy the game more. I wonder if you could mention how long it takes in real time to complete some of your builds. Even at your "slower" pace, you seem to accomplish a lot in each episode.

  6. I was inspired by you and I am building a huge wall in my Realm world just to have something to attach lights to for preventing mobs spawning on my giant mushrooms on the safe side of the wall. I considered the "story" of the wall in its construction ๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. "It's just a video game" that really got through to me. I overthink a lot of things, and by pulling back once in a while and just seeing things for how they are in a simple way can improve my enjoyment of life in general. I haven't thought about doing that for minecraft though lol. Thanks for this video!

  8. Hey, soup soup I have been watching your Minecraft series since day one and always love them. I have had this issue since 2020 when my best friend who is quite a nice guy would be slightly rude in Minecraft. He would always criticize my work and when he would make something of his own which I thought looked bad he would say that I don't understand building. Since that day my standards have also gone high and now I never enjoy my work except for a rare few occasions. He has embedded a seed in my head and I don't seem to like my building anymore. and when I try to make a survival world like yours it's like I never feel like playing because after I get all the stone tools and etc. I hop on a creative world and try to make my house but then it doesn't end up looking like how I want it to be which makes me frustrated and then I end up quitting the game and coming back 1 month later. Can you try to make sort of a building tutorial cause I love the style of your building, Sorry for making this an essay.

  9. I felt bad about loosing my world with friends that dont play anymore. I wanted to create new one for myself but I couldnt find reason. Now I got everything that I need. ๐Ÿ˜Š Thanks a lot…

    P.S. I love your builds! They look adorable. Small tip: add some trees or green stuff around ๐Ÿ˜‡it will add some live to your amazing place


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