Amethyst, Candles, Copper, BIRTHDAY CAKE! – Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs Snapshot 20w45a

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Hey guys JWhisp here and welcome to another video. Today we go over the first snapshot for the 1.17 caves and cliffs update!

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37 thoughts on “Amethyst, Candles, Copper, BIRTHDAY CAKE! – Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs Snapshot 20w45a”

  1. I'd really like to see redstone signals travel farther if the dust is placed on top of copper. Copper is the most conductive material, so it makes sense to translate that into Minecraft now that we are getting copper.

  2. Copper should be used for copper wires and redstone. The main function being that the wires do not have to be placed directly on top of a block and automatically connect with eachother however in addition to that they will not interact with redstone dust without another device connecting them making them similar to the slime and honey block in that they are both conductors yet don't interact with eachother. If you do want the. To interact with eachother you would need to use a device known as a copper outlet this would simply connect a copper wire to redstone dust and vice versa allowing for them to transfer signal between the two. One last addition to the copper redstone devices would simply be devices that regular redstone already has but specifically designed for copper in that they can be placed in midair and be connected to from all directions. Basically a copper comparator and repeater.
    The spyglass should be attachable to the helmet allowing you to zoom in with it when ever you press ctrl.

    One last thing perhaps warden antlers and goat horns could also be attachable to helmets using the smithing table. They could possibly serve a function or they could also just be for decoration I personally think at least the warden antlers should serve a function such as detecting any vibration from mobs or players within a certain radius allowing easier sight in the dark and for you at times to see through walls.
    Also candles of different colors should be allowed on the same block.


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