Amazing Amethyst | Let's Play Minecraft #12

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

This Minecraft let’s play will be what made Minecraft on YouTube great. It’s just simple a Minecraft let’s play. You can watch me …


36 thoughts on “Amazing Amethyst | Let's Play Minecraft #12”

  1. Hi Lee I'm sorry about your kidney stones. I know how you feel about 3 months ago I had 2 I was passing. Then I lost my job. I hope you feel better. I really love the crystal bridge, looks wonderful 😍. Congrats on your wedding. I made to the end. Love ur vids 🙂👍

  2. Neo, a scientific theory is a set of established facts and the current best understanding of how they all fit together around a single phenomenon. The theory of gravity relates basically everything that has to do with the law of gravitational attraction (yes gravity is a scientific law, as well) with all of our observations of gravitational attraction and all of the ways that we think it can possibly operate that conform best to all known physics + all known observations. Like music theory, or chess theory — it's the broad term for studying everything relating to these things.

    When you say something is "just" a theory, you're saying it's something so all-encompassing and supported by so many facts that it necessitates multiple entire specialized fields of study just to expand our understanding of it a tiny tiny bit. It's so much more expansive and concrete than a mere fact — it's trillions of facts, models which explain those facts, theories which explain those models, etc etc etc.

  3. i love your builds but I feel like the path takes away from the actual big nether portal which should be the focus because it’s so unique and big especially with the Amethyst around it.

  4. I think you should make the glass into actual arches and completely in close the bridge and you can hang the lanterns from them. Congratulations on the wedding I hope you two have a happy and healthy life.

  5. neo bro i love ur videos man. They are so comforting please never stop. Everytime i’m stressed i just open up and either watch or just listen to you talk. Keep it up been here since 2019 <3


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