All Secrets in the Minecraft Live Mob Vote 2023

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

In this video, I go over all of the secret things you can find in the Minecraft Live Mob Vote for 2023!

In the Mob Vote you can join a server and vote for The Crab, The Armadillo, or the Penguin!

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#hive #minecraft


46 thoughts on “All Secrets in the Minecraft Live Mob Vote 2023”

  1. If you buy the gastly gelato at the same shop you get the allay treat at you can go to the spot you find the rascal at and head left. You should find a sign with a ? and a lavafall. Eat your gelato and essentially get fire res for a few seconds to swim through the lavafall and find a chest with 50 tickets behind. not as profitable as ballon farming but still fun

  2. i’m pretty sure there’s also a secret near the rascal cuz next to a lava waterfall? lavafall? theres a question mark sign which is kind of like how it was with the lighthouse but i’m stumped ngl


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