Alex & Steve Adventures Finale – BLOOPERS (Minecraft Animation)

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#squaredmedia #BlackPlasmaStudios #MinecraftAnimation #minecraft

Alex and Steve Adventures gone wrong! The Ender dragon obtains the infinity gauntlet, Alex interrupts a wedding ceremony, Eric hates sand… and much more! Enjoy this over 10 minutes fever dream of pure chaos.
Directed and Animated by Michael.



41 thoughts on “Alex & Steve Adventures Finale – BLOOPERS (Minecraft Animation)”

  1. My Blooper moments:

    0:13 Flynn said, "I am INEVITABLE…"
    1:02 Steve wants marry the baroness
    1:24 Fadeless Banjo follow his crush, Lone bruh
    1:10 I am so hard to laugh from this blooper…
    1:36 Hahaha, That's a lot of damage!
    1:45 Giant TNT appears then it explodes to front of Steve lol
    2:15 Wrong lever doesn't work on this place, but it works to the mangrove trapdoor
    2:25 Eric said, "I don't like sand, it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."
    2:41 Puppybrine
    2:47 Steve at backrooms again lol
    2:56 3:00 3:04 Flynn's voice is like a wolf, then frog, then the discord's notification sound
    3:17 Timmy got drunk lol
    3:24 oooops, Isaac, how did you do that?
    3:30 Alex pushed by Derp then she fell out the world
    4:39 The name of Jar is Epic instead of his name bruh
    4:55 After the ship stops then it go backwards
    5:17 After the collision of the ship to the wall of palace, Steve's friends died from that event bruh
    6:14 Lone teleported away
    6:24 Let's eat guys!!
    6:28 Karn throw Dexter to the bowling pins then it strikes…
    6:35 Timmy's villager trade
    6:41 Karn punch himself repeatedly lol
    8:18 Herobrine and Steve do their Herobrine's trend pose
    8:27 The Baroness launch Joe Cannon
    9:04 Lone is evil bruh…
    9:08 Eric draws Mona Lisa to his jar then he showed it to his mom
    9:39 The combination of Steve, Alex, Steve's Puppy, Derp, Lone, Dexter, Timmy and Isaac bruh
    9:55 Steve just poke Alex repeatedly
    10:06 Alex Adventures lol
    10:11 Steve poked Alex and she was fall into the water then Steve Adventures title card appears lol
    10:27 It's not Herobrine, It's DERP!!
    10:41 🤣🤣🤣
    10:45 Lone kill all entities on her surroundings lol

  2. 0:14 : I am… inevitable. snap
    0:32 : What?
    0:42 : It's Death, isn't it?
    1:02 : Steve, what are you doing?
    1:20 : Thanks, Alex.
    1:30 : Not Again!
    1:46 : Big bomb go kaboom
    2:00 : This is a certified bruh moment.
    2:14 : Get the correct lever out!
    2:18 : Eric hates sand…
    2:41 : Dogzilla?
    2:45 : Back in the backrooms?
    2:56 : Who messed with the sounds?
    3:00 : Quack
    3:04 : Wait… did someone ping me?
    3:07 : That ship should've gotten some repairs.
    3:13 : Derp! Nooooo!
    3:16 : Timmy, stop drinking.
    3:20 : Frozen over? Issac, I think you got too powerful.
    3:30 : There goes Alex…
    3:37 : When you forget how to use elytra
    3:41 : That's worse.
    3:47 : Boing!
    3:52 : Derp was eaten by whale
    4:00 : Machine Gun Moa
    4:08 : MOA!!!!
    4:11 : Seriously?
    4:16 : STOP WITH THOSE
    4:43 : Wrong expression, Eric.
    4:55 : Never let Derp control a vehicle in any way
    5:08 : Bad piloting.
    5:12 : A rescue team is approaching. *Epic Fail
    5:20 : Role swap?
    5:32 : Check your trajectories
    5:44 : No… it's derp…
    5:54 : And so, the world was saved
    6:00 : Hey look, Derpzilla is back.
    6:08 : Everyone bow to King Derp
    6:15 : Selfish…
    6:23 : Fight! Don't feast!
    6:30 : Strike! Nice Throw!
    6:35 : Trading with timmy
    6:40 : Punch Punch Punch Punch…
    6:49 : Sorry, but my skull is made of obsidian.
    6:54 : HEROBRINE, WHY?
    7:00 : Herobrine sit walks.
    7:12 : I see no point in doing this.
    7:20 : Loading Terrain…
    7:30 : Run, pant, run
    7:40 : Slippery Floor, huh?
    7:47 : Make sure to ring the (notification) bell! *Bell falls
    7:51 : Whatever, he'll be fine.
    8:18 : Someone please start fighting
    8:23 : Here is a large Moa
    8:36 : Spinning T-POSE Null
    8:50 : You two are enemies! What's going on here!
    9:04 : Disaster Girl
    9:10 : Did Eric just draw the… Mona Lisa?
    9:19 : Whatever you do, don't throw away Alex's trident.
    9:32 : Herobrine leaves the game.
    9:39 : Dragon don't crush them!
    9:45 : Oh no! The airship's on fire. Back to being sad.
    9:53 : Pokey Pokey Pokey Pokey, pls react.
    10:03 : Alex Adventures
    10:10 : Steve Adventures
    10:26 : Look, it's Derp!
    10:38 : I am… speed.
    10:45 : Lone, why?


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