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To try everything Brilliant has to offer for FREEE for a full 30 days, visit https://brilliant.org/Wifies/ you’ll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription!
These are three of the worlds most advanced AI’s racing to beat Minecraft. The catch is that they are kinda really dumb and have to learn as they go. Who’s going to win the race, Claude, Gemini or GPT? Time to find out
This video wouldn’t be at all possible without emergent garden – https://www.youtube.com/@EmergentGarden
He’s the one who developed the technology for these bots and has tutorials on how to use them as well as sick videos on his own channel. CHECK HIM OUT AND SUBSCRIBEEEE
Also thank you to my lovely voice actors
Claude: @CraftyMasterman
Gemini: @ParrotX2
GPT: @Kenadian
➤➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WifiesWasTaken
➤➤ Discord: https://discord.gg/zAWUuWb
➤➤Links: I don’t think I need any but maybe I forgot
This is a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Secret Minecraft things or Minecraft lore (like Game Theory) or Escape Rooms, but a research based series dedicated to over-answering questions you never asked.
To try everything Brilliant has to offer for FREEEE for a full 30 days, visit https://brilliant.org/Wifies/ you'll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription!
mfw I thought September had 31 days not 30 so I almost fumbled the sponsor deadline and had no video ready
also ARG video coming next don't worry
next bot to challenge will be jarvis vs friday
How did he have glass?
GPT: actually smart
Gemini: completely inconsistent and indecisive
Claude: needs help
If it’s just people playing Minecraft in the video no problem, but then if it’s AI playing Minecraft, the world is coming to an end sad to say
Gemini was actually sad broo… i was rooting for gemini 😢
Do more ai videos
Betting gemini is worst by a lot.
the best thing AI brought is ai being really dumb at games
Using text AI for spatial analysis is generally bad idea
Cool, I have a couple of questions…
1) What data were the bots trained on
2) what inputs do they have (video/audio just like humans? the data available f3 screen? map of the world with coordinates of mobs?)
what if it turned smart enough to leave the game?
This was a better watch than the Minecraft movie, I'm certain.
yu know when yu ask ppl to sub most of yur viewers prob dont have an account so they cant subscribe
i think you just didnt get claudes abstract art style smh
I miss the ARGs
This might be the real Truman show
Is it possible to make them not cheat?
Like not place blocks behind walls or in the air
I love that Kenadian is now an actually in this guys vids (he voiced gtp)
Idk this is looks like that you turned off then turned on attack option against ender dragon
Is there full stream video? 😅
I mean GPT had the Steve skin. He was destined for greatness
Anyone here from TikTok?
Gemini: Being Happy
GPT: Fitting into society
Nooooo, claude
Not the best use-case for LLMs.. But funny nontheless
Will you ever record your own videos in “unstable universe”?
id love to see a video of a learning algorithm ACTUALLY doing what the title says.
when did gpt get diamonds?
Elyse Trace
Wifies why don’t u make unstable universe vids?
I swear I was hearing camman
This guy is racist to Copilot. Copilot is way better than ur Chat GPT
I think it would interesting to see a machine learning hardcore documentary series based around these three AI platforms
Chat gpt replied to me with this:
.—— . .— .—. . —.—. ——— —— .. —. ——. ..—. ——— .—. .— .—.. .—.. ——— ..—. …. ..— —— .— —. .. — —.——
After i asked it to help me out with my homework about an essay on how ai sustains our world, I dont understand a thing, can someone translate it for me?
I had my bet in gpt when vid started lol
Hey I know that you’re a real YouTuber but why does your description at the bottom say this is a series called Minecraft VVsauce. Because I don’t think it is so this kinda looks sus.
3:51 I think it might have to do with the fact that Claude thinks you guys are working together, maybe his instructions were unclear.
GPT : The most skilled and smartest ai
Claude : The most peacefull and diplomatic ai
Gemini : The most clumsy and kindest ai🥲
6:09 Dude how are they placing those blocks, what are they on Bedrock/mobile?
Right now these machines are performing tasks after learning in the softwares, the future is near when they will be equipped with hardware and taught how to fight.
I like how it mirrors the attitude of each company:
-GPT is unhinged up to using hacks and cheating and optimizing hard no matter the consequences
-Claude has the ethics and cooperation GPT will never have, yet is just behind
-Gemini was supposed to have some time and is now lost