AI Learns to Speedrun Minecraft

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These are three of the worlds most advanced AI’s racing to beat Minecraft. The catch is that they are kinda really dumb and have to learn as they go. Who’s going to win the race, Claude, Gemini or GPT? Time to find out

This video wouldn’t be at all possible without emergent garden –

He’s the one who developed the technology for these bots and has tutorials on how to use them as well as sick videos on his own channel. CHECK HIM OUT AND SUBSCRIBEEEE

Also thank you to my lovely voice actors
Claude: @CraftyMasterman
Gemini: @ParrotX2
GPT: @Kenadian

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➤➤Links: I don’t think I need any but maybe I forgot

This is a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Secret Minecraft things or Minecraft lore (like Game Theory) or Escape Rooms, but a research based series dedicated to over-answering questions you never asked.



44 thoughts on “AI Learns to Speedrun Minecraft”

  1. To try everything Brilliant has to offer for FREEEE for a full 30 days, visit you'll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription!

    mfw I thought September had 31 days not 30 so I almost fumbled the sponsor deadline and had no video ready

    also ARG video coming next don't worry

  2. Cool, I have a couple of questions…
    1) What data were the bots trained on
    2) what inputs do they have (video/audio just like humans? the data available f3 screen? map of the world with coordinates of mobs?)

  3. Chat gpt replied to me with this:

    .—— . .— .—. . —.—. ——— —— .. —. ——. ..—. ——— .—. .— .—.. .—.. ——— ..—. …. ..— —— .— —. .. — —.——

    After i asked it to help me out with my homework about an essay on how ai sustains our world, I dont understand a thing, can someone translate it for me?

  4. Hey I know that you’re a real YouTuber but why does your description at the bottom say this is a series called Minecraft VVsauce. Because I don’t think it is so this kinda looks sus.

  5. I like how it mirrors the attitude of each company:
    -GPT is unhinged up to using hacks and cheating and optimizing hard no matter the consequences
    -Claude has the ethics and cooperation GPT will never have, yet is just behind
    -Gemini was supposed to have some time and is now lost


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