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got stars in my eyes and they don’t fade away when you come my way baby
Download Astronomical:
massive thanks to Arathain, Luxintrus, AmyMialee, Diansu, Merp and Bonfire for their help on this project!
The moment the marshmallow was put on the campfire I knew what this mod was about, genuinely great work. I love the mod so much ty.
as a passionate about space and stuff (not astrology tho), this shit looks so cool
I figured out a way for perfect marshmallows (most of the time) 😀
1. Roast marshmallow to Roasted stage (not perfect or slightly, just roasted), then immediately stop (i'd say 0.5s to 1s leeway)
2. Perform around 6 one-second interval cookings (hold left click for roughly a second or so) until you have achieved perfect roast).
i say around 6 because of the leeway, if you stop immediately you might have to do seven or eight
If you're serious about wanting suggestions for Stargazing III, then I think it should add a chance to spawn new stars when you create a supernova.
That is truly unique I really like it and gives me so many art ideas to draw on
We need a addon where if you have you and 6 friends around, and sit around the campfire you all slowly play a noteblock version of travelers
bros played outer wilds
Its really nice … Even the outer wilds background stars going supernova reference but one thing is here wrong eye of universe its great but disapointing cuz first you could add quantum rules like its traveling bettwen display points and second is lack of sound that scary thunderbolts on eye of universe cuz my opinion best part of outer wilds is how it makes you feel unsafe and how it makes you ask yourself so much questions but its really cool … MAKE OUTER WILDS DIMENSION😮
one of the first 2K downloads, its fucking amazing
is it only for quilt or will there be other mod loader versions
Now add the outer wilds ship 🙂
Hey rat could you make the solar system we live in? I want to see how it's looks in Minecraft with ya mod
You can use the perfectly roasted marshmallow to disable mobs in a 6 chunk radius for the night and have the ability to lie down and star gaze, this form of stargazing surprisingly will work for sleeping when you click the button to sleep. This does absolutely nothing and it’s just a nice ambience, you can spruce it with anything you’d like? 🙂
when are you making a tutorial on how to make mods, like a sword that shoots a projectile just like the clown scythe, I'm starting to get into modding myself so it will be very useful if you could show the procedure of mod making.
now make them be able to kill people
Idea: the perfectly roasted marshies allow for the collection of bigger yellow falling stars, these stars do bassically everything the normal ones do (except for the bright yellow glow) but when roasted they allow for Meteor showers to occur and increase chances of falling stars greatly. Occasionally these showers will bring down meteors/comets that when broken give random ores/ancient debris (these can also be captured in the thingys)
(PS: I have not played putter wilds :u )
love your vids man 👍
will you be making mods for neo forge eventually?
with some player looking materials from something else, and some redstone, you could probably make a cool wandering moon
Hey rat is there any plans to perhaps mayshlaps add stars with quantum properties to the mod? i'd love to recreate the ow solar system but y'know, funny moom ain't there (or i can just default to putting it near giants deep like everyone does). i get if it's a nightmare to code ofc but im just interested in if there's even a possibility
Bruh circle in Minecraft 🤯
How do I tell which stars are added in by the mod?
Dang no 1.20.1/1.20.4 Fabric version 😭😭😭
wait a minute! this is just outer wilds!
You are the best rat
Perfectly roasted marshmallow idea:
With stargazing 3, special stars begin to spawn (find some way to differentiate them). When you blow them up with your mind, they drop special fallen stars instead of normal ones (probably have a different color). When broken, they drop more fragments than normal. If caged, they have special textures.
Simulating a solar system is cool and all, but what about simulating a galaxy? The special fallen stars would have nano black holes (color options affect the accretion disk) and exclusive ring textures that look like galaxy structures (cloud, spiral, etc)
Take your displays up a notch.
(If you want to bother trying to implement gravitational lensing, I guess you could, but that sounds like a lot of pain and suffering.)
touhou community on their way to recreate bad apple with this mod:
epic gamer mod
why does it just freeze my loading screen?
how about making the perfectly roasted marshmallows force the stars to fall within a 10 block radius of the player
for perfect one u can do a like connecting stars in the sky and make the sky a little dark bright blue it can be prety cool
Time to make my own solar systems
so basically, you can make a holographic orrery. cool