Adding Gambling to My Minecraft Mod

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i changed my skin for another video but i forgot to change it back lol
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Download The Diffy Experience! (or noob)

The mod is for 1.20.1 and requires a mod called Geckolib

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Today I will be adding cursed Gambling Casinos with Roulette to my Minecraft 1.20.1 mod in this video. The Mod is called The Diffy Experience (also know as the greg mod or greg.jar) and involves escaping a terrifying and predominantly annoying mob called Greg. While all kinds of creatures do everything from air striking you to cooking you, you will have to gather souls to defeat Roulegg once and for all! This requires cunning planning, bravery, skill and willpower, and definitely not just luck! (this message is approved by greg) Will you prevail, or will you be addicted forever?

This is not Skywars, or Hypixel or combat, trapping, racing, manhunt or related to other Minecraft skills in general. This is not me making Breaking Bad-related stuff like Heisenberg, Walter White, and neither will I be playing with the Weather mod. This is me adding frustrating gambling to my cursed Minecraft mod, a unique and thrilling concept.

o7 👑


36 thoughts on “Adding Gambling to My Minecraft Mod”

  1. 9:34 bro add to shovers show to me. so make A Sreg Shower Greg who is white and has a bubles on head and he is placing water under you, if you leave water you got jumscared or get killed

  2. New mob pls:
    Who literally just jumpscares you out of nowhere at 60 Decibels he gives you 50 golden apples after you get jumpscared 60× because he's so kind(the rarest jumpscare is rickroll at 0000000000.1% chance and it gives you anti breg sword)

    loses 0.2 of my soul
    Aww dang it
    loses 0.2 of my soul
    Aww dang it
    loses 0.2 of my soul
    Aww dang it
    loses 0.2 of my soul
    Aww dang it
    loses 0.2 of my soul
    Aww dang- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

  4. Now we need new FRIENDS in the Greg family:CONTRLLEG,A greg that sometimes will control your player and make you killyourself.Then we need SPEEG.A super speedy Greg who will transport you to the GREG SPEED DIMENSION.and if you wanna escape from that dimension you need to create the culmination of SPEEG.When you need to create with obsidian the ALWAYS STRUCTURE FOR KILL GREG.Then You will escape from the Speed dimension but you NOT ban SPEEG from the World But you will power up SPEEG.I hope Diffy will see this comment. GREG

  5. You should add Greg currency 💴. You start out with some and you can use it to bribe Greg to leave you alone for 5 minutes so you can gamble. The only way you can get Greg currency is by gambling 🎰


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