A PERFECT START in Hardcore Minecraft – (#1)

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Chapman has a perfect Start in Hardcore Minecraft. Farms for Iron & Emeralds. Unlimited Food and a Starter Base to call home. This is his perfect start to Hardcore Minecraft.

• Watch Last Video: https://youtu.be/86m7NrXL0NA

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#minecraft #but #challenge

In this video on the CHAPMAN MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES, I try to survive another 100 DAYS Minecraft, But Minecraft Challenge. Building some of the Best Farms and Minecraft Builds in a Minecraft Hardcore World!! Can I survive another 100 days or will the Minecraft hardcore Challenge be to much! I dont know but in this video…I have A PERFECT START in Hardcore Minecraft

Go All Out! Top Tier in Everything you do.
– Chap

00:00 Intro
00:54 Season 2 Begins
03:02 Locate Village
04:46 Build Farm 1
06:11 Build Farm 2
08:51 Starter Base
12:07 Moving Villagers
12:59 Diamond Tools
22:01 Best Friends
24:01 MENDING Cont
24:10 Starter Base Finish
25:03 Dirty Villagers
25:57 Outro


36 thoughts on “A PERFECT START in Hardcore Minecraft – (#1)”

  1. ❤👑Thank you everyone for stopping by and coming along for Season 2! This season is going to be a bit different and I'm so excited to start some new amazing projects! Still need a world theme tho….?
    Also need to get revenge on the Warden! Those Dude's are jerk's. Hope you enjoy the video!

  2. @ChapmanMain why did you go looking for resources to make book after you already had a librarian that you already traded for a bookshelf. Why didn’t you just break the bookshelf you had in your inventory for books. Then just buy more bookshelves and break them down into books.

  3. I have a question I try to copy the same iron farm you build but for some odd reason, it’s not working any tips. Did they change the mechanic of the villager being scared of zombies?

  4. Hey hap-chap howdy, can you make a video on the new updates cuz i haven't played minecraft since 2021(the nether update) and want to know what is going on..

    Also you might not remember me but i hope you do.. lots of love


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