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uhh how are there so many leaks?! looks like minecrafts inventory ui update has leaked too lol
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0:00 ui update
0:10 the newest menus and another one
2:27 surprise leak
9:08 is it for both versions
10:10 the bundle theory
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if you read this comment “purple”
thanks for all of the love this year. 2025 is going to be huge 💖
what do you think of these new inventories??
If there isn’t a toggle for this we riot
Left and Right Inventory?
Wow I do not like them ruining muscle memory like this, but I do like how this looks
I dont like it at all, i hope u can toggle it
Tbh I don’t like this, I hope for the love of god that they keep the old one as an option
Minecraft is one of the few games where the community has to adapt to the developers it has, not the other way around.
Maybe if people hate the new UI you can just turn off the new UI to with a texture pack
i really hope this doesn’t happen
This new UI it's better on mobile, its better for moving itens with fingers
im praying they add settings for customisation of uis, like reverting to the old style, or vertical orientation at least, dark mode, etc. PLEASE
"Wow a copy and paste of another box except a different colour" is what he basically says everytime
January 8th
looks: 3
execution: 1
conclusion: leave it to texture packs
Mojang needs to stop this whole game is ruined.
the horizontal menu reminds me of the old pocket edition one
I don't know why, but I just don't like the look of those new UIs. It just… doesn't look like minecraft or something… I feel like it makes it look like one of those knock-off mobile games that are trying to look like minecraft. And the side to side inventory spots throw me off big time
In some years,this wont look like minecraft anymore. On mobile the game looks awful and for kids. Even the game photo in google play had been changed 😢
And the most annoying thing is that instead of adding cool and dynamic things in the game adventure, they are just changing the esthetics. How is this benefic for a big game?
Instead of changing or adding things, they add esthetics, that's not what people asked for. Why mojang? Why?
The death of the game will come soon if they continue to not care about what fans really ask for.
Ngl though I like the differen't chest UI's I really don't like the new inventory. It's way too bright and simplistic and I also don't like the new numbers
The chest color and shulker box color are way too strong. If they should go through with this, they do need to readjust the colors and make them a lot lighter and add a lot more fading.
This is the worst UI change. People are used to the Layouts, changing them will only lead to frustration. (I'm talking about putting the Inventory next to it instead of how it is right now)
The colored inventories are fine and very well welcomed but the layout change is just straight up unnecessary
Minerthoughts has enter the chat
I mean to be fair we don't know everything about the update yet so i may be speaking too soon but this update is kinda meh don't get me wrong i like the new coloured uis and stuff like that but what we really need is some more inventory space
this is what people are exited about?
No i dont want this ui 😢 im good with old one
Unless they give us option
The faithless resource pack inventory textures on the java edition are the best in the game
thoses looks tasty af! hope for the chest addition because its kinda stupid of being able to make different doors, trapdoors, fenses, BOATS, but not chest? they dont have much work to do to add chests, just the textures, and copy paste kinda the code for chests and testbug
Just another ridiculous, stupid change that people will somehow tolerate a few weeks after release. People will eat up this slop just like every update for the past four years.
MOJANG doing everything EXCEPT fixing bugs. Classic MOJANG. MOJANG devs work for five minutes a day, and this is the kind of garbage that we get. They already butchered this game beyond recognition years ago. Maybe it would be better if we just let Minecraft die already.
It's over old UI 2011-2024
I like new GUI but i want ui texture pack.
More useless update
1:01 why does he have 134 worlds???
The new item numbers look confusing but I don't know why
I think most players have been hoping for more than just an aesthetic change to the inventory. We need more inventory slots and an easy sorting button, not just new colours. I don't understand why you're so excited about a purely aesthetic change. Function before form.
I would like tabbed interface, where I could switch between usual top half of inventory interface and container specific
I hope they give us an option to either have the chest ui’s stacked instead of sideways
i wish the container ui was to the right of the inventory
Different colors are nice,but orientation better be optional ☠️