This was discovered awhile ago, it’s also how you make an enderpeal Stasis chamber, to be able to quickly teleport from one part of a map to the other. Designed by Etho
Can we all chill and stop roasting him? It’s clearly something they think is cool and they wanted to share with us. Yeah yeah we know it’s an enderpearl stasis chamber, the pearl is an entity, yada ya da . Just appreciate that he tried to show us something cool
Bro I don’t know why people think this is that stupid, it’s a flawless system that has a lot of potential. Imagine the navigation alternatives that this could bring us with some slight changes from the redstone community
it has 2 years on the game is not new
how in any way shape or form is that useful
not secret
Dream does this also dream "I SAW THAT ON YOUTUBE"
Everyone knows that though
This not "secret"
Also snowballs
Likes is 666 monster!
Probably this isn't useful, but I didn't know of that! Nice one!
Ik this already, nobody use this, is useless though
This was discovered awhile ago, it’s also how you make an enderpeal Stasis chamber, to be able to quickly teleport from one part of a map to the other. Designed by Etho
That’s not new at all…
Theres still some physics in minecraft believe it or not
Okay a way of traveling
Yeah, new…🤣🤣🤣
This has been in the game since bubble collums we added, so not really a secret
how cool am I going to test this
Cool but why no sound?
You fool you have have discovered a better way of tnt cannons you've doomed us all
Cool but why no sounds?
Where did you find this?
Wow its cool
Enteties react to the soul sand water ting
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Walls cannot stop me now
Does anyone get reminded of surf from csgo
Imagine if you had a whole line of that
I never knew that’s cool I guess
Can we all chill and stop roasting him? It’s clearly something they think is cool and they wanted to share with us. Yeah yeah we know it’s an enderpearl stasis chamber, the pearl is an entity, yada ya da . Just appreciate that he tried to show us something cool
WOW how will this be helpfull in Minecraft USELESS
Yoo that’s pretty sick though
That's pretty cool. This could be used in parkour maps
🤯 Another viral video.
Bro I don’t know why people think this is that stupid, it’s a flawless system that has a lot of potential. Imagine the navigation alternatives that this could bring us with some slight changes from the redstone community
What da. The ender perl go to fast