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FlowSMP: https://www.patreon.com/flowstatevideo
Discord: https://discord.gg/7kndwK3FxK
0:00 – Intro
3:43 – Exploring The World
15:46 – Settling In The Jungle
25:07 – Exploring The Caves
32:49 – Exploring
44:30 – New Base
51:27 – Create Mod
1:00:13 – Building A House
1:05:55 – Exploring New Mountains
1:20:55 – Back To My Base
1:22:54 – Idea
1:24:45 – Reading Comments
1:26:10 – Searching For Clay
1:34:34 – Finishing My House
1:40:54 – Villager Trading
1:43:23 – Expanding The Farms
1:46:36 – Mining Trip
2:03:19 – Animal Pastures
2:07:38 – Brief Talks
2:24:53 – Pillager Raid
I have been trying make a modpack similar to the one used in this video. I have added fabric seasons, terralith, levelz, farmers delight, distant horizons and some compatibility mods. What mod(s) did you use for the additional dungeons and structures?
I just watched through the entire video while playing Minecraft – you are so calming and chill. I subbed within the first hour because I love how peaceful the aesthetic of the video is and what you’re talking about. ❤
oh fyi you need rope above the tomatoes for them to grow
anyone able to tell me how i can get these mods/mod packs and how to run them?
i really would love to see him make a series of this modpack
hope everything goes well with the quitting, listening to you talk you seem like someone who would love to live in a cottage in the mountains away from everything
2:16:12 I'm currently 22 and I never dated anyone in my life. All my friends around just vibinig with one guy or another and I didn't even been on a date. And everyone telling me that I should do the same, like you won't find a "perfect" person if you not talking to people. But I don't feel like I'm want to fool around with guys until I find the perfect match, I just want that to be natural. Idk, maybe for early 20s it's ok to hangout with bunch of people but I don't really like it like that.. And maybe it's weird or conservatively but I like to do things in old fashion way
never much of a commenter but most of the time i always just say “im kira” i do things i want to do and don’t do the things i don’t and with pressure from my mom or seeing my friends do all sorts of things i have the feelings of being left out or missing out on what i should be doing but at the same time im kira im doing what i feel like i should be doing for myself and my future yk within reason and i won’t stray away from that and if people have questions i have an answer i mean i have a plan it may not be the best plan to others but its the best plan for me
Have you ever considered playing stranded deep?
I'd love to see a watchtower in this build cause stuff is do spread out
is this your custom modpack?
it’s been a long time since i stopped playing minecraft but i watch videos at night because it helps me fall asleep and this is exactly the kind of videos i need aesthetic and chill vibe . you got a subscriber brother , and about being hungry you can add more protein and fiber to your meals to control that . awesome work keep going (excuse my english)
Find myself in a similar spot with that transition from normal 9-5 work to an independent business / complete different way of life and find that you talking about ur job transition is very relatable and the main reason i watch your vids.
Is it available for bedrock players I’d love to play it but I’m a bedrock player
this is like norman reedus in death stranding if that makes sence
i love the vibe, keep up the videos big dawg xoxox.
also try to eat more carbohydrates in your meals to fill fuller.
as a coach. eating nothing but fat n protein (eggs & bacon as you stated/ chilli) is great but balancing your Protein / carbs before and after gym will help you fill fuller for longer.
mod list?
2:14:16 I’m in my last year of high school and have to decide what I’m going to do next. The fact that I want to major in art during college because it’s my passion is already a big pressure for me right now. Not only because the selections in art schools are very strict, but also because I am not studying anything related to art right now (I’m studying human sciences). My parents really want me to pursue in a major that’ll guarantee me a nice job, but I’d rather do something I enjoy and I’m content about and take that risk, even with the pressure I’ll receive.
As someone with really bad anxiety & frequent panic attacks who started playing minecraft today after 11 years im so glad i just found this vid, cant wait to check out the rest of your channel man, much love & god bless
Ill tell you what, im right there with the people watching for 10minutes and Instantly subscribing. The aesthetic, the edits LITERALLY for example- in the caves you gave an echo effect to really make us feel we WERE in the cave with you? Amazing. I dont watch minecraft youtubers often, great work. ❤
whats the seed man T-T i wanna build in that hill too
just wanna say this pack you built looks really chill and fun to play through would you be willing to put it out on to curse or modrinth
I don’t what it is with your videos but it just gives me a sense of comfort that I just love. First time I’ve been not bored throughout a 2 hour video like this, I just found your channel yesterday and have loved your content. Keep up the exquisite videos and have a great day!
this is my first video of you and I already love it
47:21 bookmark
that last which was definitely living on the edge
I love your building style I wish I could make my creative juices could flow like that hahaha
What Mods do you use? Love the content!
What mods are you using?
the fact that there's a little added echo to his voiceover that scales with the echo of the cave he's in makes my brain so happy, it just feels so cozy :]
You should try dynamic trees mod in minecraft. Out of countless mods it's my only must-have mod, because it makes the overworld so unbelievably pretty. I think you would start leaving trees up and using them for flavor in your builds if you had it.
Hi Flowstate! i love your content so very much! but what mod-pack do you use to make the terrain like that?
Awesome start! Keep em coming!! Love your modpack btw.
You weren't being attacked in your house. You were bleeding. I've died a few times now from bleeding to death. lol
fuuuck i need this pack
I wish you would’ve used the invis potion to go loot the woodland mansion quickly
you got a modpack link?
Is this the og modpack but with level z? Are tjere more changes? If so what are they?
Dude I need the mods you’re playing with this is exactly what I’ve been looking for to get back into Minecraft pls make a curse forge profile or link the mods
you should have a list of mods your using some look really cool and id be super interested to play it neeeed to knowwww
If the builds you make in Minecraft is any indication, you’re real house is going to look amazing