A Fresh Start In Minecraft

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0:00 – Intro
3:43 – Exploring The World
15:46 – Settling In The Jungle
25:07 – Exploring The Caves
32:49 – Exploring
44:30 – New Base
51:27 – Create Mod
1:00:13 – Building A House
1:05:55 – Exploring New Mountains
1:20:55 – Back To My Base
1:22:54 – Idea
1:24:45 – Reading Comments
1:26:10 – Searching For Clay
1:34:34 – Finishing My House
1:40:54 – Villager Trading
1:43:23 – Expanding The Farms
1:46:36 – Mining Trip
2:03:19 – Animal Pastures
2:07:38 – Brief Talks
2:24:53 – Pillager Raid



42 thoughts on “A Fresh Start In Minecraft”

  1. I have been trying make a modpack similar to the one used in this video. I have added fabric seasons, terralith, levelz, farmers delight, distant horizons and some compatibility mods. What mod(s) did you use for the additional dungeons and structures?

  2. I just watched through the entire video while playing Minecraft – you are so calming and chill. I subbed within the first hour because I love how peaceful the aesthetic of the video is and what you’re talking about. ❤

  3. 2:16:12 I'm currently 22 and I never dated anyone in my life. All my friends around just vibinig with one guy or another and I didn't even been on a date. And everyone telling me that I should do the same, like you won't find a "perfect" person if you not talking to people. But I don't feel like I'm want to fool around with guys until I find the perfect match, I just want that to be natural. Idk, maybe for early 20s it's ok to hangout with bunch of people but I don't really like it like that.. And maybe it's weird or conservatively but I like to do things in old fashion way

  4. never much of a commenter but most of the time i always just say “im kira” i do things i want to do and don’t do the things i don’t and with pressure from my mom or seeing my friends do all sorts of things i have the feelings of being left out or missing out on what i should be doing but at the same time im kira im doing what i feel like i should be doing for myself and my future yk within reason and i won’t stray away from that and if people have questions i have an answer i mean i have a plan it may not be the best plan to others but its the best plan for me

  5. it’s been a long time since i stopped playing minecraft but i watch videos at night because it helps me fall asleep and this is exactly the kind of videos i need aesthetic and chill vibe . you got a subscriber brother , and about being hungry you can add more protein and fiber to your meals to control that . awesome work keep going (excuse my english)

  6. Find myself in a similar spot with that transition from normal 9-5 work to an independent business / complete different way of life and find that you talking about ur job transition is very relatable and the main reason i watch your vids.

  7. AY!!!!!!
    i love the vibe, keep up the videos big dawg xoxox.

    also try to eat more carbohydrates in your meals to fill fuller.
    as a coach. eating nothing but fat n protein (eggs & bacon as you stated/ chilli) is great but balancing your Protein / carbs before and after gym will help you fill fuller for longer.

  8. 2:14:16 I’m in my last year of high school and have to decide what I’m going to do next. The fact that I want to major in art during college because it’s my passion is already a big pressure for me right now. Not only because the selections in art schools are very strict, but also because I am not studying anything related to art right now (I’m studying human sciences). My parents really want me to pursue in a major that’ll guarantee me a nice job, but I’d rather do something I enjoy and I’m content about and take that risk, even with the pressure I’ll receive.

  9. As someone with really bad anxiety & frequent panic attacks who started playing minecraft today after 11 years im so glad i just found this vid, cant wait to check out the rest of your channel man, much love & god bless

  10. Ill tell you what, im right there with the people watching for 10minutes and Instantly subscribing. The aesthetic, the edits LITERALLY for example- in the caves you gave an echo effect to really make us feel we WERE in the cave with you? Amazing. I dont watch minecraft youtubers often, great work. ❤

  11. I don’t what it is with your videos but it just gives me a sense of comfort that I just love. First time I’ve been not bored throughout a 2 hour video like this, I just found your channel yesterday and have loved your content. Keep up the exquisite videos and have a great day!

  12. You should try dynamic trees mod in minecraft. Out of countless mods it's my only must-have mod, because it makes the overworld so unbelievably pretty. I think you would start leaving trees up and using them for flavor in your builds if you had it.


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