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It’s Minecraft #450! In this gameplay, we steal from the chicken farm, get a new cow, and break our brains doing Thamcraft.
Watch From the Beginning ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38m7SA04pr4&list=PL1cXh4tWqmsEQPeLEJ5V3k5knt-X9k043&index=438
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#Minecraft #Mods #StoneBlock2
Watching Matt and Jeremy stumble through Thaumcraft is physically painful.
god lindsay is so funny. i literally laugh at every joke they make and i'm always ridiculously excited to see them in a video of any kind. also welcome to the they/them club, lindsay! we're ecstatic to have you and we love you very, very much <3
If you guys want to find something easily press T in the too many items menu on the item you want to find and it will make a cloud around the chest where the item you’re looking for is. Makes finding stuff super super easy if you’re not organized.
The vid randomly cutting to Lindsay doing god knows what is peak comedy
Jeremy, you can press T while hovering something in JEI to make the chest it is in glow
NGL I mostly am invested in the chance cubes
Sorry for late comment, Absolutely do not open a Giga Chance Cube (3×3 Cube) in the overworld, open it in the Mining Dimension or the End..
The zombie in the wall has series Wall Titan vibes.
Wait…aren't they still able to grow the crystals, I.E. Ignis(fire) crystals, like plants on stone blocks in this version of Thaumcraft?
Every SINGLE Minecraft series, Lindsay immediately goes to food.
33:11 made me laugh harder than I have all year. God bless Jeremy.
9:51 Wait, did the editors miss this one, or did they FINALLY lift the bullshit fucking censorship?
I'll be so happy if it's the latter!
p.s. I'd gladly take Trevor up on that offer..
I personally Can't Wait until they have to abandon this base due to Flux contamination
wow a whole 38 minutes, what a treat :/
Lindsyyyyy, when you go down, the solution is to go up.
If only they were better at reading
CAN SOMEBODY EXPLAIN HOW THE DIMENSIKNS WORK TO LINDSAY PLZ. she’s spends a majority of each let’s play digging by hand and I FEEL BAD
Have fun breeding chickens for more than a literal day! Its stupid long to breed every chicken
I love this series! I want more chaotic stupid stuff thanks 😶
Man, this was such a fun series. But as soon as Gavin left, all potential went to zero.
The resources don’t stack because their from different mods and not bedrock mods