This Hardcore Youtuber is Better Than me…

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New SB737 Summer Merch! –

People always ask me “SB do you think you are the best hardcore Minecraft youtuber?” well take a look at this video!

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27 thoughts on “This Hardcore Youtuber is Better Than me…”

  1. SB, you are the best hardcore YouTuber to me. Your builds are so cool and you've been the first to do a lot of things. This guy might say you're not in the top 10 but, to me you're 1st. Thanks for uploading!

  2. I should mention PHilza played in such old version where as SB said there where no elytra or netherite which is crazy since he built sky city without these he also technically doesnt really count for his 3 world since he unfortunatly died to a glitch with the end gateway but philza still likes to count it as a hardcore world


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