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7 New Chests You Should NEVER Craft In Minecraft!
In this Minecraft world I am able to show you 7 brand new ways to craft chests that you should never copy under any circumstances!
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#new #crafting #minecraft
Actually the iron chest isn't a bad idea because sometimes friends in your servers try to steal your stuff just don't lose the key or get it burnt and lava or something
I love you Soooooooooo Much And i love Minecraft
You mised a flying thing while you are opening your portal chedst
8 obsadian and 1 chest on center and voila portal chest is here
Are you a girl!?…
dude you just gave me a warning
You should make a chest that you can put something in and it will Multiply the item you put in it to
If you should not CRAFT IT THEN DONT
bild house in a fake crafting table in prestons minecraft house and invite brianna and noob1234 over.
How to download Minecraft
When I’m trying to steak my freinds stuff on a playday opens it teloport away from me
Me:oh man:(
Tbh I was wondering what would happen if you stood on the bouncy chest then tried to open it. bet you would go flying XD
Cow one is useful for farm
Try and get on your extremely heavy chest 🧰
Hello have a good day every one
mom my bhari I Love Him ALot
Click bait
Hi I love your YouTube videos👩💻
I like your vedos Bahri
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Im so scard please do not die in minecraft
The mellow detective genomically park because calculator embryologically smash mid a soggy woman. tall, cuddly answer
That’s amazing
Poopy scoop the poop poop please scoop poop 👽
Mods right?
Wow! How do you do those cool stuff?!
did you know PrestonPlayz
I feel like the couch chest is the one that we really should make to get more beef and to make a ….. Make sure that no cows are listening
But a beef farm 🐄🐂😋😁👍
Hi 👋 friends 🥰 new USA alondra gonzalez New friend ok 👍😇👋