7 Forgotten Minecraft YouTubers

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

In this video, we will discuss seven forgotten Minecraft YouTubers. We will tell their stories, and explain why their channels have declined, and if there is any chance of recovery. These YouTubers include: SkyDoesMinecraft / SkyDoesEverything / NetNobody, PaulSoaresJR, ASFJerome, StampyLongHead / StampyLongNose, iBallisticSquid, and Lachlan / CraftBattleDuty. Hopefully you find this video entertaining, informative, and maybe a little nostalgic. If you did, please like, comment, and subscribe!

#minecraft #gaming


30 thoughts on “7 Forgotten Minecraft YouTubers”

  1. Lachlan is the only one I never heard of, but from the list, I only watched PSJ. PSJ seems to go through phases now of Minecraft and other survivor type games – this started after Mindecrack "split up" (over-simplification – the most prominent YouTubers left that server over having to sign a contract). He still posts Minecraft videos whenever there's an update, but often switches back to other games now.

  2. This is absolutely crazy. When I started watching, the amazing quality of this video made me expect that you had at least 10k or so subs. I later realized that you aren’t even at 1000. This content is so underrated, you truly have the potential to become a lot bigger than this. Let’s get you there.

  3. I was surprised to see CaptainSparklez on here. I knew he was still going given that I'm still subbed to him on YouTube and following him on Twitch, but I had no idea his content was declining that bad.


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