67 Ways to Make Things Finally Useful in Minecraft

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67 Ideas to Make Useless Minecraft Things Useful

Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets
Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial
Character drawn by @MagnaGallina

Mods used:
– Quark
– Earth Mobs
– Vanilla Tweaks
– Fast Leaf Decay
– Enchantment Descriptions
– SwingThroughGrass
– Reap Mod
– Passthrough Signs
– Better Than Mending
– Double Doors
– Carpet
– Dragon Mounts: Legacy
– Concrete Mixer
– Milk Splash
– NiftyCarts
– Armed Armor Stands
– Charged Copper
– Stair Sit
– Invisible Frames
– Lava Furnace
– Bless Bottler NG
– Personal Phantoms
– Simple Silk Drops
– Carpet Extra
– The Fletching Table Mod
– Better Wandering Traders
– Hellions Sniffer
– Bundle Jumble
– Balanced Diet
– Rotten to Leather
– Useful Mobs

Produced by Jonah Walters
Edited by Alexander Winters, Azpect, Brennan Moore, Yashtin Rivera, and Jeenneette Wolfe
Research by MonocleMC, Jonah Walters, Abelardo Robles, and Jordan Cross
Footage by Frankie Mundo, Abelardo Robles, Jordan Cross, Brennan Moore, Jonah Walters, MonocleMC, and Jaden Moore
The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series.
Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC
The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @Antlerboy
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved.


27 thoughts on “67 Ways to Make Things Finally Useful in Minecraft”

  1. I think drinking empty bottles underwater could replenish your air, after you drink them underwater they become a normal water bottle.
    It's a small addittion that isn't really gamechanging but i think it could be cool to have.

  2. I think parity should always go from new to old in terms of the Minecraft versions. Basically, from bedrock to Java. That way, Mojang would be taking the bedrock features, and adding them to Java, instead of the way, they’ve been doing it, which is the other way around. Bedrock is the superior version, simply because the mobile devices aspect of it.

  3. You know, a Mini Dispenser that you can hold in your hands and use as a weapon would work like a shotgun, place it down, then mine it after putting in idk some arrows, fire charges, maybe even fire arrows, and it fires them with random spread but it fires them with M1 or Rt or whichever

  4. Definitely need a renewable sand option other than duping. Whether it be some sort of crusher from another block like cobblestone or a mob dropping it, it's desperately needed. It's one of the few base blocks that can't be crafted or farmed apart from decimating a desert. Piglins give renewable gravel, it's time for a solution for sand.


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