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Today I bring you 50 things that are only in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. 50 features showing differences between java and bedrock. These include; armor stands have arms in bedrock, in java they don’t. Bedrock added baby squids, in java they don’t exist. The wither health is 300 hearts in bedrock but only 150 hearts in java. How many of the 50 exclusive features in Minecraft Bedrock Edition do you know? Leave a “LIKE” Rating if you enjoy and comment for a part 2!
#minecraft #features #things #minecraftbedrock
Video edited by LocalJon
Java vs Bedrock.. which version of Minecraft do you play?
Should I make a Part 2 to this video?
Sometimes I keep on getting things that are really rare
Bro didit you use to spawn the wither soul soil
My game play in java:

My game play in bedrock:
Hero fine is in 6:33 if you pause at the right time
Ok pause the video at 6:34 look thru the window
I found HEROBRINE many times.
Hero brine in windo

I can’t wait until Java gets killed so they can update the game easier
Minecraft bedrock drawneds (if they have tridant)you can trade with them by natilos shell
I play Minecraft bedrock and I thought everyone had the same kind of Minecraft
Hi i deactivate mc
correction: After bedrock 1.18 it also has 18.4 quintillion seeds
There is litterly herobrine in 6:34
Another unique "feature" to Bedrock is the types of bugs. On one map I have on console, my nether portal spawned me below the nether, falling infantly, completely breaking my map.
Another bug I ran into with Bedrock on PC was, my game crashed, I was stuck on the loading screen and it wouldn't load, until a month later I tried again, and it worked. Why is this weird? When my game finally loaded MASSIVE chunks of the map went missing. There are prefect square cut outs all throughout the map, giving what used to be solid mountains are now giant caves all the way through the bedrock. Parts of the end city are visible from daylight so exploring is pretty cool!
The same goes for the ocean, giant square cuts that lead into newly formed caves. It's a really unique experience! Cave exploring is awesome because some of them are now giant canyons. There are prefectly cut squares in the ocean, its only if you place a block next to the water wall, will it then become a water fall, its really strange and awesome!
Also, my village is a coastal village and when it loaded big parts of the ocean lost all of the sand. Shallow parts are now deep abysses.
Has anyone else run into these issues?
Minecraft bedrock edition has another weird feature if you right click the tnt with sword with fire aspect 1 or 2 the tnt will be activated
Who saw herobrine 4:42
bedrock is stupid
6:33 but java have exclusive mob which you can see it's Herobrine but in bedrock no evidence found yet maybe Herobrine thinks java is better than bedrock but he will be wrong after watching this video
I used to think that bedrock was discriminated against, but we have a nicer child villager!
Ps how to put armor on mobs!!??
Isawed a herobrine in your game bedrock in villagers house

Who think Java is better?

There’s so many mobs in bedrock. Just giving us sweeping attack PLEASE
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The snowman was rizzing every viewer in the thumbnail
I play bedrock but the resource packs are expensive I wish I had Java
But technically both r good