5 EASY TNT Cannons in Minecraft Bedrock! (Tutorial)

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Minecraft Bedrock: TOP 5 TNT Cannon Designs! (MCPE/X-BOX/PS5/PC/Nintendo Switch)

In this video I’ll show you how to make 5 easy TNT Cannons in Minecraft Bedrock. All builds work in survival Minecraft and they are simple and easy to build. Enjoy!

This video includes builds such as Rapid fire TNT cannon, Bomber, Miner etc.

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Music by C418.


47 thoughts on “5 EASY TNT Cannons in Minecraft Bedrock! (Tutorial)”

  1. (0:30) how the fuck am I supposed to put that on there but it only opens up every time I tap onto the dispenser. The button doesn't latch on to the dispenser. The same thing with the redstone torch. 😡 This is frustrating

  2. If Heaven and Hell exist, where do you think you’d go? You can know today by judging yourself by God’s standards (The Ten Commandments). Ever lied? Ever stolen? If that’s not enough, Jesus said in Matthew 5:22 that if you hate someone (without cause) you are subject to judgment. And James 2:10 says that if you break the law only at one point , you are as guilty as a person who has broken it all.

    So be honest with yourself. If God judges you on the day of judgement by the ten commandments, would you be innocent or guilty? Heaven or hell? Well, Revelation 21:8 says that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire.

    So how can anyone escape the fires of hell?
    Well, imagine this: You have a bunch of speeding fines worth 500.000$. You don’t even have a single cent to pay it. Just as you are about to get life in prison without parole, somebody comes in and sells everything he has to pay for your fines so you can go free.

    Similarly, you and I have broken God’s moral law, but Jesus(who is God manifested in the flesh) lived a sinless life, took our punishment on the cross, paying for our sins. Then 3 days later he resurrected and defeated death. And what you have to do is simply put your trust in Christ alone, not in your good works to save you (Ephesians 2:8-9)

    Afterwards read His Word (The Bible) daily and obey it.

    "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”"- John 8:32

    Thank you for reading this.
    God bless you :)lll

  3. I made one that is much stronger than what you have
    How do you make it
    Make a pillar that is 30 blocks up From the ground
    Make a 4 x 4 with one on the front side
    Get a reserve or block, put in the front, have a trap door or a fens door, a Frontage of it have three Redstone going to a dispenser also have a switch to turn it off


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