40 Things You Will Never Unsee in Minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

40 things you will never unsee in Minecraft! Minecraft has many mobs, blocks and items with some things you will probably never unsee again. From bedrock having a wither face on it to the campfire having a cat face on it, let’s see how many Minecraft things you didn’t know about that you cannot look at the same way.

#minecraft #minecrafthings


42 thoughts on “40 Things You Will Never Unsee in Minecraft”

  1. in minecraft deepslate block may look like nothing, but if you find a cave in minecraft with deepslate you will notice a mushroom figure on a group of deepslate blocks. and as anthony says "i can't unsee this"

  2. Those white lines are when a process of something called "Stitching" happens. When you apply a texture on the same size of a generated blender item and you dont properly align them, you can find those white lines in the item!

  3. My favorite part about this channel is the fact that it takes 10 seconds for him to start the actual topic of the video. Too many youtubers nowadays have an intro which lasts way longer than necessary


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